Chapter 13 Party!!!

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Tomorrow is the fourth of July and Im throwing a party. I invited everyone including August family. His family is nice but his mom doesnt like me for some reason. I got up at 7 today to start getting ready to go get the meat from the store. August came downstairs and kissed me. He told me he had to lay down a track at the studio. Sometimes I feel like he is cheating on me but everytime i ask he gets defensive and starts yelling things like "what you don't trust me"and "if i come home to you every day that means i want you and nobody else" then it jsut makes me feel bad. While thinking the door bell rang and it was Lauren and my 2 brothers Carter and Jason. "Hey guys, your early" "Yea we decided to spend some quality time with our two little sisters" Jason said.


I went to the studio to lay down this new track when Jade walked in with just a robe on. "What do you want, I told you we done messing around, im with Lani and thats the only one I want."
"Come on August baby just one more time pleaseee" she said walking over to me seductively.


I went to the studio because i knew August was goinng to be there. Durk is too busy for me and i dont even want him anymore his dick game weak. I walked in and seen my baby doing his job. "What do you want, I told you we done messing around, im with Lani and thats the only one I want." he told me. Ugh this Lani bitch is always in the way, i got something for her. "Come on August baby just one more time pleaseee" i said walking over to him and dropping my robe. I seen him lick his lips. Yep got him right where i want him. I sat on his lap and then started kissing him. "Last......time......I.....promise Daddy" i said to him in between kisses. "Ok only one last time" he said as he squeezed my ass. Then you know what happened from there.


I left Jade in the studio sleep with her robe on top of her. I regret doing that to Lani but hey free pussy, thats good too. Now you cant pass up a deal on that. When I got home it was 2:00 am. Damn i know imma here Ja- i mean Lani mouth. Iw ent upstairs got in the shower and then got into bed. I wrapped my arms around Lani but she just moved them and moved closer to the other end of the bed.


I woke up at 6:00 to season all the meat. I brushed my teeth then I got up and got in the shower. When i got out and dried off i saw August shirt on the floor. I picked it up and saw it had red stuff on the collar. Be fore i could really look at it the door bell rang then i heard it open and close. I went out the bathroom and put on my red highwaisted shorts. With my white crop top that had the american flag on it. I then slipped on my blue hightop converse and headed downstairs to see Lauren, Carter, and Jason. i screamed and ran to them. It has been so long since i last saw them. "You guys are early, wait how did you get in" "the spare key" me and Lauren said at the same time.
"We came to spend time with our baby sisters,and beat some ass if we have too" Jason said i laughed to myself. "I was just about to start cooking come and help me Lolo you guys can just sit and relax." "ok" all three of them said. "So whats been up boo" Lolo asked me. "Ugh just everything" i said. "What you mean" " it think-"
"Hey baby, i didnt know we were having company" i looked at him as he came over and tried to kiss me but i dodged it. "Yea they are early" i said plainly. He looked at me like I was crazy then said "Can I talk to you for a second" i thought about it for a second and said no. "Ok"he said walking out the kitchen mad. He went into the living room and i could hear him talking to my brothers.

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