Chapter 19

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When we arrived to my house Khalani was sleep. I got out and went to the passenger side and got her out. I walked in and closed the door with my foot and walked upstairs. I laid her in my bed. I got in the shower and when I got out i but on my basketball shorts and climbed in bed. I pulled Lani onto my chest and feel asleep like that.


I woke up to go to the bathroom when I was hearing noises downstairs. I didnt want to wake Durk cause maybe it was Lily. The pitbull Durk had just got me. I went downstairs and felt someone breathing on my neck. Before I could turn around someone put a cloth over my mouth and nose and I blacked out.
-7 hours later-
When I woke up i was chained to a king sized bed and only in my bra and underwear. I tried pulling on the chains to see if the would loosen up but it didnt work. I heard feet coming up the stairs and then they walked in.


I woke up to Lani not in bed with me. I thought maybe she was downstairs but then I saw her phone and necklace on the nightstand. She would never go anywhere without those 2 things. "Lani!!!" i yelled. No answer. "Khalani this aint no joke come on out" i said getting worried. I went downstairs and no one was there. The house was a mess, smashed pictures of me and Lani when we were younger. This cant be happening right now. She just got out of a horrible situation. I ran upstairs grabbed my phone and dialed 911. When they arrived and I told them they told me they cant do anything about it until she has been gone for 24 hours. Since they dont want to help, ill go find her myself. I hopped in my car and called the crew up to meet me at our spot.

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