Chapter 21

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"What you want Jade." i said. I heard her sniffle over the phone then break down crying. "Durk they took her, they took her and raped me." "Whoa hold on took who." i asked. "Khalani, she came to my hou-house because i wanted to talk to her and apologize and then someone broke in." she said sniffling again. "they took me in my room and i dont know what they did with Khalani." i kinda delt bad for ma when she told me but that dont mean I still dont dislike her.


"They took me in my room and i dont know what they did with Khalani" i told Durk fake crying. "What the fuck, who took her!" he yelled into the phone. "I don't know they had on masks. Durk can i come over I dont feel safe here anymore" i said crossing my fingers. "Ughhhhhh, yea come on over." he said. "Ok see you later" he said. When I got off the phone i was happy as ever. Finna get my man back.


"Get yo ass up and get downstairs to make our damn breakfast!" Anthony yelled making me jump up out of my sleep. "Bitch that aint how you ask, and I aint got to make you shit." i told him "Do you know it is just me you and August in this house. All the other boys gone but theyll be back lata. I can do what ever I want to you, do either you obey the rules and be just fine or dont and face the consequences." he said walking towards me. I got up walking towards the bathroom when I heard him say "thought so" and walked out. I got in the shower, when I got out i saw some highwaisted shorts and a light blue crop top. I changed into those clothes and went downstairs to start breakfast. ONLY because I was hungry. I made eggs bacon grits and toast. I set their plates out on the table and went into the living room. When I was finished i put my dish in the sink and saw the plates gone. I went back into the living room and turned on the tv scrolling through the channels. I then came across kevin hart laugh at my pain and decides to watch it. Kevin Hart is hilarious he kills me. Just as i was into it Anthony came up to me grabbed me by my hair and dragged me in the kitchen. "What the fuck is this" he asked surprisingly calmly. "Um dishes what the fu k they look like" i asked. He then slapped me and punched me in my stomach I fell. "Get yo ass up and wash them damn dishes, and when you finish get yo ass in this living room so we can go over some rules bitch" I was crying because I wanted to go home, but i waited till he left to cry silently.

When i was finished I went into the living room. Both of the devils were there. "Sit yo ass down." anthony said. I sat across from them as they started laying down rules. "1. Dont ever try to run. 2. We do what ever we want to you. 3. When we go out you dont make any eye contact with another nigga. 4. You make breakfast every morning. And those are basically it." they said

"Well these are my rules mithches. 1. Imma run where ever i eant and whenever 2. Yall dont touch me 3. Make eye contact with every cute nigga when we go out. 4. I make breakfast for me and cereal for you." i told them smartly and walked upstairs to the room I was in before.


Jade called me crying saying this and that and then she said they took Khalani. I was extremely pissed. I let her. Ome over to stay only a few days because I kinda felt a little sympathy fpr her. little bit. I waited for Jade to get here so I could leave and go tot he hospital to visit Fredo and see how Lauren is doing. When she got her she had 4 suitcases. "Why you got all them damn suitcases." i asked her cause she aint staying forever. "I thought you said I can come over, I dont want to go back home" she told me as her eyes started to glisten. "Fine hurry up we going to the hospital." i made her take all four suitcases up stairs by herself because im still not that sure about here staying here.

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