Chapter 30

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We just came from The city and they said that tomorrow a Child service officer will be by to check the house out and if we pass we can adopt her. We had to give her to the adoption center for now. I already miss my baby. I arrived home and Durk was on the couch. "So is that baby yours" he said looking at me. "Really Durk how would that be my baby. That baby is about 1 year old and you been with me for how long." i said pissed. "You really need to get yo shit together." i told him walking up the stairs. "So I was thinking maybe we get a house together and live there with out new little one." Heaven said. "You must not plan on moving back home." i said "nope i dont need those bad memories anymore." she said smiling. "Yea ill see. Hey im going to get you a job at where I model." i told her. "Omg yaaas you know how much i wanted to be a model." i shook my head and giggled. "I miss my neice. she said. And tbh I do too. geesh. I went down stairs to make me and Heaven a snadwich. I guess Lauren and Fredo went out. I was on my way up the stairs when i got a call. I ran in the room and icked my phone up and answered it. "Hello." "hello is Ms. Khalani Woods. "Yes this is she." i said to the unfamiliar voice. "This is Pam from Child services, we have an extra person who will be coming out to your house in about 2 hours" i choked on my food. "Oh ok um that is good i will be looking forward to it" "ok Ms. Woods." she said and hung up. I put my phone down and called Heaven. "What you want girl am" she laughed. "The cgild services woman is comin in 2 hours we need to get this house baby proffed." she started smiling. "So we are keeping Aaliyah." she said jumping up anf down. "Yea, grab the socket pluggers out of the cabinet downstaira and put them in all the sockets." i told her. She ran downstairs and I started cleaning. We were finished cleaning and trying to baby proof the house 2 hours later. I sat on the couch and then the doorbell rang. "Hello are you Ms. Woods." she asked me. "Yes are you with child services." i asked. "Yes ma'am i am." i moved out the way and let her in. She started going all over the house and complimenting the house and how well it is baby proofed.She went in all the rooms and bathrooms. "Well you seem to have passed the house part now i have to ask you a few questions." she said. I looked at Heaven and she gave me a reassuring smile. "Ok" i said and we all walked downstairs to the living room. I guess Durk left. "Ok Ms. Woods, do you take any medication that is not prescribed by a doctor."
"Have you ever been experienced with a child" i frowned at the question.
"How as your background as a child" i frowned again. What are these questions for.
"Um it was pretty good my parents were always around showed me a bunch of love. My dad died when I was 15 and my mim just recently died about 2 years ago. I said getting kinda upset.
"Would you ever leave the child by theirself for about 2 minutes with little small object"
"Definitely not" i said
"Dogs or cats around"
"Yes I have 1 pitbull"
"Ok, if you wanted to go out but had nobody to watch the child what would you do."
"I would stay home, and play with my baby girl" i told her.
"Ok we will have the office review your answers and send in the mail in tomorrow if you are eligible to care for a child." she got up and held her hand out. "Ok thank you so much." i said and she left. By the time she was finished it was 7. I decided to go upstairs and go to bed early. I got in thw shower put my pajamas on and went to bed.

I woke up and ran downstairs to check the mail. I sat everything on the table and seen the letter from Child services. I quickly opened it and read. Blah.blah. blah. Blah and then I seen it. You have been approved to be the legal guardian of the little girl you wish. I ran upstaira and jumped on Heaven. "HEAVEN GET UP WE GET TO ADOPT HER. HEAVEN!" i yelled. She laid there and then she jumped up i guess realizing what I said. "Omg are you serious, lets go get her.!" she said back. I ran to my room got in the shower and slipped on my yoga pants and my pink sweater. I put my nike slides on and ran to the car. Heaven ran out a few second later and hopped in the car. We drove to the office and went in. After signing paper after paper they brought my baby girl out. When zhe saw me she started smiling. They handed her to me and we left. I buckled her in her carseat and made sure she was secure and was on the way back to thw house. I took Aaliyah upstairs and Heaven followed. We laid in the bed and watched the Lion King. I went downstairs to make us some popcorn and make Aaliyah her bottle. I was on my way back up the satirs when I heard Aaliyah crying. I ran in the room and seen Heaven trying to change her diaper. She had baby powder all over her face and hands. To think she would know this already."Omfg you should see your face. Move let me do this." i said laughing putting the popvorn and her bottle on the bed. I did my research on how to change a diaper. I put Aaliyah in her crib. "When you come out give Aaliyah the boytle on thw bed." i yelled to Heaven who was in the bathrrom. "Ok" I opened the popcorn and remembered i had to go to IMG Models to get Heaven her job. . I hopped in mylight blue charger and drove to IMG Models. I walked and and seen Sheila. "Hey Sheila" i said walking to the desk. "Hey honey how you been ainy seen you in a minute." "yea I know a lot of things have been going on" i told her. "Well I'm glad your back so what you here for". "I need to talk to Rose for a minute." "she's in her office as usual" she said looking at her computer. "Ok see ya later" i said walking towards the elevator. I walked to Rose's room and seen her on her computer working as usual. "Rose" she looked up and smiled. "Hey girl i thought you had quit on me." she said. "Nah just a lot of shiy going on but I need a favor." "depends whats this favor" she said putting her laptop in her bag. "I need you to hire my cousin. Now before you say no just know she is a money maker." she looked at me for a few seconds. "Well I do like money, ill see bring her in on Saturday for an interview" " ok thank you, lets catch up some time." i said standing up hugging her. "Yea ok".


Me and Fredo just came from one of my modeling gigs. We were out looking at houses now. I saw a lot of beautiful homes but it didnt feel homie. "Ok so this is the last house, hopefully its a keeper." our realtor Taylor said crossing her fingers. "Ok so this house has. 3 floors. 6 bedroom, 5 bathroom, a game room, living room, kitchen, studio, and big backyard with pool." she said "Sounds nice but it has to have that homie feeling." i said. We walked in and I instantly fell in love with it. It hand chandelier s in the dining room and one in the kitchen. A big kitchen and living room. We went upstairs and the rooms were pretty big. It was spacious and nice for kids." "it is kid friendly the pool and sockets has been baby proofed." she said. "Give us some time to talk about it please." she left. "Bae I think this is the one." i said as I turned and saw Fredo on his phone. I snatched it out his hand and put it in my pocket. "Man really, give me my phone back" he said mad. "Not until we talk about this house." i said folding my hands over my chest. "Now like I said, i think this is the house, but your too busy on this damn phone you werent paying attention. Probably wasnt paying attention during the tour." i started walking off. "Come on baby yes I was now what you think about this house i wanna know." he said holding my waist. "Well i was saying i like it, enough room to give this little one in my tummy siblings in the future. " i told him and he started smiling. "Yea I like that lets go we will be taking the house" he yelled as he walked to the front. i laughed and followed behind him. We gave her the money for the house and will move our stuff in on Wednesday.


I was upstairs in Lani room looking at that baby trying to find any resemblance in the two and I couldn't. Then she started crying. Oh lord aint nobody here. I picked her up and started bouncing her. "Shhhh real niggas dont cry" i told her. She stopped crying and grinned. "Yea thats right." i was about to put her down when she started crying and it smelled like shit. "Oh hell nah" "i am not changing yo diaper you better wait till Lani come back." I told her. She started crying harder then. I went in the bathroom took her diaper off and put her in the sink. I got her baby soap stuff and put it in the tub. I filled it up a little and put her in. I got a towl and put some of her baby soap on it. I starting bathing her.


I walked in the house and it was quiet. Too quiet. If they left my baby here by herself they gone get it. I ran upstairs and walked in her room she wasnt there. I walked to my room and she wasn't in her crib. I was about to go call Heaven when I heard her laugh in the bathroom. I went to the bathroom and saw Durk bathing her. It was so cute. He will be a great dad to whoever he has kids with. "There you go lil ma all clean lets go get you dressed." he said to her. He picked her up and turned around and jumped. "Damn ma you cant be doing that scaring a nigga like that." he said. "How long you been standing there" he said. "Long enough to see you will be a good dad." he laughed. "You think so, this shit is kinda easy." he said. "Aye dont be cussing around my baby." i said taking her from him and he laughed.

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