Hey guys!!
Here's the update
Sorry it took a while..
This chap is a bit sad .PLEEEEAAASE VOTE!!!!! U knw, that's a good way to show me u like the story!!!
At school:
The class was over. Finally.
I thought it would never end!!I didn't even wait for the teacher to leave the classroom. I just scurried away from there.
Where do I start!?!
I'm so confused people, I don't know what I am supposed to feel at this moment.
Anger, humiliation, sadness or jealousy??
I need to sort this out before I go nuts...
I automatically walked to the bathroom, I like to call it my cave.
I can't even count the amount of time I hid over there when I had a bad day or when the bullying got so bad I couldn't handle it I had to walk away.
It is the only place in this entire school besides the library where I feel safe and happy.
Where I can be myself, where no one can hurt me. Where I can hide and cry my heart out, pouring all the pain out.
I was walking toward the bathroom when I was stopped halfway, by a small crowd.
People were excitedly whispering around, staring at something I couldn't see from where I was standing.
What's happening?
Is there a fight?
God I better go back before I get
Stuck in this crowd.I was just about to walk away when I overheard some girls standing near by , saying:
"Oh my goshh, it is true!! I can't believe this!!"
"I told you!!"
Another girl squealed
" A girl sharing Harry's class told Anna who told Kayla.
I swear when Kayla told me I just couldn't believe it! !
I was like Oh my Gosh !!!
Look at them they are soo cute.""Yeah... like, I just Can't believe how lucky she is, I mean I would kill just for him to touch me, and there she is snogging him in the middle of the hallway.... I'm soo jealous."
What the hell??!
What are they even talking about?God girls have lost their minds and dignity nowadays...
That's so freacky...
I rolled my eyes.Anyway who cares, I have my own problems to deal with, right now!!
Better than gossiping around.
There's no fight so, I guess it's safe for me to keep going.I made my way through the crowd and stopped on my track again.
What I saw just teared my heart apart.
The ache was back, and I felt tears welling up to my eyes.It was Harry and Jenny...
Again...He was pinning her against a locker, and kissing her hungrily...
no it looked more like they were banging each other...A part of me just wanted to push her away from him and and just rip her head off, but the other part, just felt broke and paralysed by the pain.

In love with my bully? 💣 🔞 | Harry Styles AU | ON HOLD
ChickLitOne HIGH SCHOOL, Two STUDENTS One a HOT JOCK The other an AWKWARD NERD Both HATE each other UNTIL, One DAY, Everything CHANGES LOVE awakens... And SPARKS flies... But will LOVE ever be ENOUGH to keep them TOGETHER? ☡ Not so Typical love story, Ju...