chapter 28

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Liam's POV:
(Haha it was unexpected right?)

Zayn and I are out tonight. The boys were all busy, so we're  left to ourselves.

Louis has to watch after his sisters, his mom's working tonight.

Niall's invited to his cousin's birthday party and Harry, well, God knows what that boy has been up to lately!

He hasn't been out with any of us in a while.

He always declines our offers to meet up, lately, saying he is too busy to come.

Whenever we ask him what he has been busy doing, he always give us vague answers.
Like "s'mthing came up", "stuff"...

We only get to see him at school nowadays.
I seriously worry about him. I feel like there is something going on with him at the moment...


Zayn and I were having a smoke, sitting on top of my car.

It was a dark blue volvo, not very fancy, but I love it.
That's my baby.

We've been talking, eating and smoking, for a few hours now, just having a fun lads time.

It was peaceful.
Zayn and I always had been close to each other.
We have a some sort of bromance going on.

So it always felt nice being able to spend some alone time with him.

"Hey man, don't you think there's something going on with H?"

I suddenly asked, out of the blue, cutting his rent on how much he likes one of Bob Marley's songs.

Zayn turned to face me, not even surprised or offended, exhaling smoke out his nose and mouth.

He looked at me intensely for a while, pensive, before answering.

"I'm sure he's going on with something right now."
He smirked.
" you know him, it's Harry. I'm sure he's with his girlfriend or some other chicks at the moment.
He took a long drag out of his cigarette and exhaled deeply.
"I never got why he's dating this chick, Jen...
Man, if he told me he was getting laid with her, I would've  understand, but dating her?"
He made a shocked face then shrugged.
"I mean she's hot and all... I agree, but she's a pain in the ass...
He shrugged again.
"Anything can happen!
He does what he want!
If he wants to go out with her, then whatever...
What about you?
Still highly infatuated with your dancer?"
He asked me sarcastically.

I just laughed.

"Yeah" I smiled.
" She is amazing."

Zayn chuckled and rolled his eyes at me.

"I got that!
Man, you're totally whipped!
But yeah she is great.
Nice chick."
He said nodding his head in confirmation.

I frowned.

"Hey, don't say that! She's my girlfriend!
Show some respect bro!
Anyway... what about you? Did you find someone?"

I asked looking up at him.
I was genuinely curious. I haven't seen zayn with someone in a while. It's kinda weird.

He looked at me taking a long last drag of smoke out of his fag before throwing it away.

"Yeah..." he took another cigarette from his pocket.
" I'm kinda seeing them I guess." He said carelessly.

Wait what?

In love with my bully? 💣 🔞 | Harry Styles AU | ON HOLDWhere stories live. Discover now