Stormy Weather

716 49 3

quick shout out to the two that I saw and remember

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@Mashiro707 @miya64526

Today there was no school, which was nice. The TV was talking about some competition for a new weather girl though I was more focused on my journal redesigning some of my mom's old ideas from her diary book.

"Starry, we are going to the park!" Chloe yells while bursting into my room.

I don't question her and just throw on a white with blue and pink flower fluffy jacket to go over the tank-top i was wearing. Still pairing the outfit with my white stared red high-top converse, I walk out to Chloe and we both start heading over to the park on foot.

 Still pairing the outfit with my white stared red high-top converse, I walk out to Chloe and we both start heading over to the park on foot

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*At the park*

Once we arrived I realized why she dragged me here. "Really Chloe? He's busy we should not bother him" Chloe, being herself, did not listen and dragged me closer to Adrien doing his photoshoot.

"Lottie Hi I didn't know you were going to be here." Adrien says ignoring the camera man when he saw i was here.

"Yeah I didn't either, Chloe suggested and here we are..." I tell him not knowing what else to say.

"Well maybe when I'm done with this you and I could go and get some Boba. I know you said you wanted to try it and Nino told me the other day a new place opened up near here." Adrien walked closer when asking.

I looked at Chloe who was now behind but on the side of Adrien and I saw her nodding her head quickly to say yes. "Sure, I don't really have any plans. I'd love to go with you." I told the model with a big smile. The camera man yells for Adrien to go back and take pictures so he did, not without telling me.

"Okay the second this is done we'll go." he turned back to get where he is suppose to pose and continued the photoshoot.

"Ohhhh my baby sister has a date!?" Chloe quietly cheers and pulls me to a shady bench near us while I blush.

*A little later into the shoot*

"Come on. We're gonna stroll over there real cool as if we just happened to be passing by." a familiar voice says. I nudge Chloe and tilt my head to the bluenette and her friend.

After showing Chloe that Marinette was here I tried to refocus on my design till I heard marinette yelling about marriage, kids, and pets. Who knows.

"Magnifico! Super! Come on now, I want to see hunger in your eyes!" Vincent, the photographer, cheers on Adrien as he has been doing all shoot.

"She's not even paying attention to the kid. I'm guessing she's supposed to be babysitting but I don't think you should be ignoring her.'' I tell Chloe after hearing the little girl ask Marinette something. After the little girl's yelling got too distracting to the photoshoot Marinette finally decided to pay attention but I chose to go over to them as well.

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