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Chloe and I are watching the news where reporter Nadja Chamack is updating Paris on the mysterious stone creatures that are dispersed around the city. Soon dad appears on the scene next to Sabrina's dad.

"We won't stop until we find a way to get these people back to their normal selves, but for now, we're not making much headway. But my daughters have made a blog about the heroes and how they must be accounted for their wrong, so do check it out."

After that Chloe finished picking out my outfit for today which was a cute white dress and a red long jean like jacket, paired with it was knee high white socks and my red high tops.

After that Chloe finished picking out my outfit for today which was a cute white dress and a red long jean like jacket, paired with it was knee high white socks and my red high tops

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*at school*

When we walked into the school everyone was crowded around Ivan asking questions though it looked like he was not liking the attention.

"So you really don't remember anything?" Alix asked

"You were totally going ballistic. It was so cool!" Juleka said amazed

"You were seriously out to crush me, dude! " kim almost laughed out that fact

"Oh, I'm sorry... I wasn't myself..." Ivan says not knowing what else to do.

Ivan walked away looking stressed at the crowd and Ayla ran into telling everyone to back off the questions though since Ivan already left she looked quite odd. she did not seem to notice her best friend slipping away to talk to the boy.

"No one was even talking to you besides just because your video got on the news does not mean you are some hero now." Chloe rolled her eyes at her already seeing Ladybug print things on her.

"Hey Chloe!" A blonde boy yells out walking over to us.

"Adrikins! You came!" Chloe gives him a hug dragging him away from students already trying to bombard him.

Sabina links arms with Scarlett leading the blonde to the class as the two were now separated from the new boy and starry's sister.

"Oh there they are! Adrien, this is my best friend Sabrina and this pretty blondie is my sister Scarlett. Starry, this is Adrien, my childhood best friend." Chloe introduced us.

Adrien looked at me with an almost dazed look sticking out his hand. "Hi my adrien um like chloe said..." I just laughed, shaking his hand not noticing the blonde boy blushing.

"And this is your seat right in front of me and Starry. I saved it for you." Chloe motioned to Adriens seat while I took mine.

"Thanks Chloe. Hey, I'm Adrien." he says to Nino, who was not a morning person so he just gave a slight wave. "Oh there is gum on that seat, it would suck to sit on that." Adrien says out loud moving to try and get it off.

"Oh i wouldn't" i tried to stop him already seeing the girl that sat there was quick to judge people, and i was right.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Marinette yelled at Adrien, startling the boy as he tried to explain. Chloe and Sabrina were giggling looking at something on Chloe's phone though Marinette seemed to think they were laughing at her.

Fearless || Adrien Agreste / Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now