Chapter 4: The Clash of Blades (Riposte)

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Zane POV

"You wanna remind me why we're doing this again?" I asked as I adjusted my gloves.

"Master Fu suggested that we should improve on our skills so that we can defend ourselves in case we lose our miraculous or get into a situation where we can't transform." Adrien said as he handed me the sabre.

I took the sabre from him.

"Ok. Makes sense. But, why include Sofia in this?" I asked as we watched Sofia pulled on a fencing suit from the doorway.

"Well-." Adrien said as his cheeks turned red.

"Was this an excuse to see Lady Sofia struggle to get her bosom in the fencing gear?" Plagg asks.

The blonde blushes a deep shade of red, "N-No! I convinced her to give fencing a chance by trying out."

"Uh huh." I said, completely unconvinced.

"Fang! Help me out!" Adrien pleaded to the wolf kwami.

"No thanks.  I want no part in this." Fang replied as he ate a blueberry.

"Was it because you want a nice wet dream for tonight?" I asked slyly.

"Ummm.." Adrien blushed even more.

"Ah, and when she gets in, she'll be in an even tighter uniform and her bosom will be more prominent. Good thinking!" Plagg teased.

I chuckled while Fang rolled his eyes.

"You are such a pervert." Adrien pokes Plagg back into his bag while Fang slipped into my bag before walking to Sofia, who was now trying on fencing helmets, "You've got this, Sofia. There's no need to be nervous. We've been reviewing the rules and terms for fencing. It'll show Mr. D'Argencourt that you are dedicated."

"That's what I'm counting on." Sofia puts a helmet over her face, "How do I look? Ready for battle?"

Adrien nodded as I adjusted my visor.

We walked down the hall until we reached the sports hall. Standing side to side, the fencing team (and me) stand opposite with another line of students.

"I am the fencing master, Mr. D'Argencourt. As I'm sure you're aware, we have only one open spot on the team this year." Our P.E. teacher announced.

I noticed that one of them was looking around.

"Where's Adrien?"

God damn it, Marinette.

"So, in order to select the best possible candidate, I will observe the beginners performing a number of attacks on the experienced students." He said and gestured to a student and myself.

"Get into positions." He called.

I looked over and saw Diana waving at me. Blushing lightly, I waved back and smiled. Afterwards, I turned to face my partner.

"Greet each other!" Our teacher called as he  crosses his saber arm over his chest and then snaps it out to his side. My partner and I did the same.

"En garde! Prêt, allez!"

My opponent jabbed his sabre at me, but I managed to parry the attack with ease. They didn't let up and continued until I managed to find an opening and jabbed at their chest.

"Attack, parry, riposte, counterattack. The point goes to you, Mr Dupont-Anderson." D'Argencourt called, pointing to me.

"You're pretty good. Have you done this before?" My opponent asked me.

"A few times." I replied.

My opponent pushed up his helmet and showed his face. He had dark blue eyes and black hair streaked red. "Name's Azriel. Azriel Lambert."

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