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The bass thumped in my chest as I stepped into the club, the neon lights flickering across my skin, casting a rainbow hue on my dress.

I pushed my way through the crowd, the smell of expensive cologne and spilled drinks mingling in the air. This was where the elite came to play, and tonight, I was one of them.

This was exactly the kind of place everyone expects Riddhiya Rajput would avoid, I would have never stepped in, if not for Arhaan.

Everyone here was busy with something—each other, alcohol, or just dancing away their worries. I moved through the sea of bodies, my eyes scanning for Arhaan.

The rhythmic pulse of the music synchronized with my heartbeat, a welcome comfort in this chaotic setting.

Yet beneath the pounding beats and the dazzling lights, a sense of unease crept into my mind. I was here for a reason—to see him.

As I edged closer to the VIP section, I could see him through the haze of smoke and flashing lights.

Arhaan Singhania, the youngest of the Singhania brothers, sat on a plush leather sofa, surrounded by a gaggle of admirers. His laughter rang out, carefree and easy, as he sipped from a glass of whiskey.

The pulsating beats of the music wrapped around me like a second skin, my heart synchronizing with the rhythm.

It wasn't easy slipping away from the pre-wedding function without causing a stir, but I had a well-rehearsed excuse. A headache, I told Arhaan's grandmother, and my father immediately urged me to go home and rest. To him, I was a princess, his darling daughter who could do no wrong.

But here I was, in the club, hidden behind a carefully crafted disguise. A short green satin dress, a wig that obscured my distinctively long hair, and enough makeup to make even my closest friends do a double take.

It was almost amusing, the idea of a Rajput princess blending into the nightclub scene.

I took a seat on a sofa at a slight angle, far enough to stay out of sight but close enough to watch him. Arhaan Singhania, was at ease, as usual.

He lounged on a plush leather sofa, surrounded by admirers. His presence was magnetic; it drew people in like moths to a flame. He was laughing, his charming smile lighting up the entire VIP section.

I ordered a drink, something with a deep red hue, and swirled it around absentmindedly. It was hard not to feel the pang of jealousy as I watched him, carefree and flirtatious with everyone but me.

He had made it clear that he resented our arranged marriage, blamed me for robbing him of the freedom to marry, make his own decisions.

I sipped my drink and allowed myself to watch, to take in the small gestures, the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed, the way his hand rested lightly on the shoulder of a girl who leaned into him, too eager to be near him. It made my blood boil, but I forced myself to stay calm. This wasn't the time to lose my cool.

I thought he wouldn't be here tonight. After all, it was Vrit Bhai's wedding tomorrow, his brother's big day, and I expected Arhaan to be home with his family, maybe helping with last-minute arrangements.

But no, here he was, drinking and dancing as if he didn't have a care in the world. It was almost infuriating how he could just dismiss everything, including our family's promise.

The bartender had messaged me the moment Arhaan walked into the club. It cost me a pretty penny to secure his cooperation, but it was worth it.

Yes, I was obsessed with Arhaan, I knew that.

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