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'Now you think I'm gay. I'm not gay.' George stutters nervously to Meredith. Daphne outstretches her hand in an attempt to distract Meredith from Georges embarrassing attempt at flirting. 'I'm Daphne Thompson, Georges sister.'

'Half-sister,' George corrects. 'Same dad, different moms.' Meredith turns back to Daphne and takes her hand, shaking it. 'Meredith. Who's your resident?' She asks. 'Dr. Bailey.' Another intern looks over to them from her locker. 'Me too. I'm Cristina Yang. Apparently they call Bailey "The Nazi."' Cristina introduces herself. 'Maybe she's intimidating. Maybe they call her that because they're scared of her.' A blonde says as they walk towards Dr. Bailey. 'Oh, you're the model.' Cristina says disgustedly. The blonde shoots her a glare before introducing herself to Dr. Bailey. 'Hi, I'm Isobel Stevens. Everyone calls me Izzie.' Dr. Bailey regards her hand but doesn't take it. She looks at all 5 of the interns before saying, 'I have five rules, memorise them.'


Daphne sits down with the other interns after 7 hours in the NICU.

'Did you guys know Meredith is Ellis Grey's daughter?' Cristina asks. 'Who's Ellis Grey?' George asks. 'Two time Harper Avery winner. Esteemed General surgeon, top of her field. I can't believe you're my brother.' Daphne answers him. 'Half-brother.' George corrects again.

Meredith sits down across from Cristina and the table goes silent. 'Katie Bryce is the exact type of girl I hated in high school.' Meredith says. Nobody responds to her, only mumbling agreement. Dr. Burke walks over to the interns.

'We have a tradition here at Seattle Grace. The intern that shows the most promise gets to scrub in on an appendectomy.' The interns sit up and wait for him to continue. 'Dr. O'Malley, congratulations. OR 2 at 4:00.' Dr. Burke leaves and the others begrudgingly congratulate George.


'50 bucks says he kills the patient.' Cristina bets Alex on Georges surgery. The interns are sitting in the gallery of OR 2, watching George from above. '100 bucks says he pulls the whole thing off.' Daphne defends. 'That's one of us down there.' She turns back to watching the surgery, where George has pulled on the purse strings too hard.

'She's bleeding out, what do you do?' Burke asks George. George is stammering, but not quite making a sentence, or words, for that matter. Burke pushes him out of the way and continues the surgery.

'Dude, he's 007.' Alex scoffs. 'What's 007?' Izzie asks.

'License to kill.'


'Your sister seems nice.' Meredith says to George when they're alone. 'Half-sister.' George responds, almost automatically.

'Why do you do that?' Meredith asks.

'She showed up, seven years ago, and told my dad that she was his daughter.'

'Just like that?'

'Yeah. Her mom had died. She had a heart attack, or a stroke or something. Daph didn't want to go into foster care, so she came to us.' George explains.

'Her mom died? How old was Daph?'

'Seventeen. Nobody really ever asked about her mom. We thought it would upset her or something.'


The topic of Daphnes mom doesn't come up again until three months later, when Izzie and Daphne are making dinner for Meredith as a thank you for letting them move in.

'What was your mom like? George told us she had a heart attack.' Izzie asks. 'She drowned herself. She was... She was a drunk.' Daphne continues to chop the vegetables. 'Is that why your dad took you in?' Izzie continues.

'Yeah. I was 17, I had just gotten a scholarship to Yale, and I didn't want to go into foster care. I found out that my mom kept a diary from around the time she got pregnant with me, and she had his name in it. I asked a social worker about him, and two months later, I moved in.' Daphne explains, praying Izzie drops the subject. Izzie seems to get the message, because she asks Daphne to start setting the table.

'Hey, let's play a game called 'Who has the crappiest life?' Meredith walks in, looking angry. Daphne looks to Izzie, hoping she won't say anything, but Meredith interrupts their silent conversation. 'I'll even go first: Dereks married.'

'What?' Daphnes ears perk up.
'To who?' Izzie begins to walk towards Meredith.

'I don't know! I just met her. Her name is Addison Montgomery-Shepherd.' Meredith sits at the island and Daphne gasps. 'No way! She's an incredible neonatal surgeon. I love her! I mean, I hate her.' Daphne corrects at Meredith's frown.

'Hang on, so when he was always ignoring his phone...?' Izzie questions, biting into a carrot.

'It was Addison.' Meredith answers, huffing.

George comes downstairs with a smile and Daphne drags him into the living room. She briefs him on the new situation at hand.

'H-hes married? Derek's married?' George says repeatedly until Daphne hits him over the head. 'Get it together! Yes, he's married, and Meredith is upset, so please don't let your thing for her get in the way of helping her.' George shakes his head. 'I don't like Meredith. I mean- I like Meredith. I don't have a thing for Meredith.' Daphne looks at him disapprovingly. 'Sure. Look, call Cristina, tell her to come over. I'll get the tequila.'

Word count: 875

help ive been working on this one chapter for three months-

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