Drop the Shepherd

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'Dr. Thompson, I'm Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd. You're my intern today.' Addison outstretches her hand. Daphne takes it, shaking it with a guarded smile. 'It's nice to meet you, Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd.' Addison gives her a smile and walks into the NICU. Daphne follows closely behind.

'I see you've spent more time on OB and peds than any other specialty. Can I ask why?' Addison turns to face Daphne. She shrugs. 'Our peds attending, Dr. Kenley, thinks I have a "talent." But I've already told him that he's wrong. I'd rather be on neuro, or ortho, honestly.' Addison smiles and shakes her head.

'I think Kenley was right. You do have a talent. You've delivered more babies in a month than any other intern I've seen do in a year. The parents trust you. So I want you on my service from now on.' Daphne looks up and smiles politely. 'Thank you, Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd.' Addison rolls her eyes. 'That name is such a mouthful. Drop the Shepherd. Just call me Dr. Montgomery.'


It was three weeks later that Daphne found herself alone in the NICU, holding a preemie close to her chest, when Addison walked in.

'Hey, you live with Meredith Grey, right?' Addison asked, dropping her chart.

'Uh- Yeah. Why do you ask?' Daphne whispers, not wanting to wake the baby in her arms. 'So you know then? That I'm the evil wife, and Dereks the... what do you guys call him again? Mc... McSmiley?' Addison guesses. 'McDreamy. And yes. I knew about you and Dr. Shepherd.'

'Oh, so you already had an idea of who I was before you met me?' Addison cocks an eyebrow, and Daphne stares a second too long at how perfect her face is. The way her eyebrows arch, and how angular her jawline is, with the perfect red hair to top it all off. 'Uh... I was told to think some things, but I didn't. Don't.'

'So you don't think I'm a calculating bitch? Huh.' Addison responds, looking down at the baby. 'Who's this?'

'Noah Green. He was born at 27 weeks. He wasn't supposed to survive past yesterday, but he's a fighter.' Daphne responds, placing him back in his incubator. 'The parents?' Addison looks down at the baby with a frown, knowing what Daphne will say next. 'They ran out on him.'

'God, they have no idea what he's going to go through...' Addison mutters, tutting sadly. 'Yeah, but he'll be fine. Right?' Daphne looks up at Addison. She hasn't lost a patient yet, much to the other interns dismay. They've all watched someone code, and Daphnes the only one left who hasn't yet had to inform a patients loved ones of their death.

'Right.' Addison smiles reassuringly, and it works on Daphne, easing her worries enough that she lets out a breath she didn't know she was holding.


'Thompson, present.' Addison says to Daphne one morning. They're in a patients room with the other interns. 'Veronica Russo, 32, 41 weeks pregnant. Scheduled for a c-section this afternoon.' Daphne recites from the chart. 'She has developed a theca-lutein cyst on her ovaries, which will be removed once the baby is delivered.' Veronica smiles politely at Daphne and the other interns. 'How do you feel today, Veronica?' Addison asks, placing a hand on her shoulder. 'Nervous, hungry, but other than that excited. After this week I'll be cancer free and have a beautiful daughter.' Veronica responds with a small chuckle.

When they leave the patients room, Addison walks over to Daphne. 'Thompson, you'll assist on the c-section.' Daphne looks a little shocked but she grins widely after a minute. 'Thank you, Dr. Montgomery.'

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