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'Seriously, Daph. You haven't lost a single patient?' Izzie asks when they sit down in the cafeteria. 'Nope. Maybe Fate just likes me.' Cristina rolls her eyes at Daphne's confidence. 'You just work on OB. Nobody dies when you're taking care of babies.' She grumbles. 'It's not just babies, Cristina. It's sick, pregnant mothers, and impatient fetuses.' Daphne corrects, taking a bite of an apple. 'Still, you're Addisons bitch. You're always on her service.' Izzie points out. 'Dr. Montgomery just likes me. You need to find an attending to suck up to.' Daphne responds.


'Thompson, you're on call tonight, right?' Addison says as they scrub for Veronica Russo's surgery. 'Yeah, that's right. Do you need me to do anything?' Daphne looks over at Addison. 'Just keep an eye on Noah Green. He should be fine for tonight, but if anything happens, page me. Got it?' Daphne nods and walks into the OR.

'Okay, Veronica, are you absolutely sure there's nobody we can call for you?' Addison asks one more time, but Veronica shakes her head. 'I'm sure. My husband passed away, and none of my family know I'm pregnant. I'll be fine, Dr. Montgomery-Shepherd. I promise.' Addison nods, but then turns to Daphne. 'Thompson, you're going to hold her hand and talk to her throughout the surgery, okay?' Daphne opens her mouth to say something, to object, but looks down at Veronica, seeing her nervousness, and she nods. 'Okay.'

Daphne sits down and squeezes Veronica's hand. 'How are you feeling?' She asks as the surgery begins. 'I'm doing fine. Pretty soon I'll be holding my daughter.' Veronica smiles. 'Any names yet?'

'I was thinking either Juliette or Caroline. And the middle name is Robin, for my husband.' Daphne smiles at her answer and squeezes her hand again. 'Those are beautiful names.'

Twenty minutes later, Addison is able to take the baby out. 'Thompson, clip the umbilical cord?' Daphne nods and takes the scissors from a scrub nurse. Once the umbilical cord is snipped, Daphne takes the baby and wraps her in a blanket before showing Veronica.

'Ten fingers and ten toes. One healthy baby girl.' Veronica's smile is wide as she looks up at the baby. 'Caroline. Caroline Robin Russo.' She nods. 'That's beautiful. Veronica, I have to take her up to the NICU, okay? The second you wake up, you can see her.' Veronica nods, and Daphne walks away with the baby.


Daphne's sitting in the NICU with Caroline when a code blue is called on the other side of the room. She stands up and looks over to where it's coming from; Noah Green. 'His lung must have collapsed. Page Dr. Montgomery and push 0.1 milligrams of Epi.' Daphne runs over and starts palpitations on the small baby.

When Addison gets there, Daphnes been doing palpitations for thirty minutes, and there's been no change. 'Call it, Thompson.' Addison orders, but Daphne keeps going. 'No, he's okay! He'll be okay, see? He's a fighter.' Daphne keeps saying. 'Daph, you need to call it.' Addison places her hand on Daphnes arm, finally bringing her back to reality. Daphne looks up at the clock. 'Time of death, 17:42 PM.' She says as she walks away.

Addison follows after her, to an empty hallway. where Daphne sits on a stretcher. 'Veronica Russo died. The cyst ruptured, we weren't able to repair it in time.' Addison tells her. Daphne looks up and sighs. 'Two in one day? That's... How? How does that happen?' Daphne shakes her head. Addison walks over and takes Daphnes hands in hers.

'It's not your fault. You couldn't have done anything for Noah, or Veronica. Death is a part of being a doctor, and it's horrible. I'm sorry, Daph.' Addison reaches to hold her chin, forcing Daphne to look at her. There's a moment of silence between them, where Addisons close to leaning in and pressing a kiss to Daphnes lips, but she pulls away.

'I should go check on Dr. Shepherd. Derek. My husband.' Addison says, but she's talking more to herself than to Daphne. 'Right. Yeah, you... you should go. I'll see you tomorrow.'

When Daphne gets home, she sees Meredith, Izzie, and George sitting on the couch. They look up at the sound of the door closing. 'Veronica Russo and Noah Green died.' Daphne informs them. Meredith pats the couch next to her. 'My McDreamy is married. Popcorn?' Daphne nods and takes a piece, popping it into her mouth. She rests her head on Meredith's shoulder as the four of them watch a tape of Ellis Greys best surgeries.


A/N- okay so the timeline will be very shit don't think of them as episodes because i will cry if any of you point out infrequencies (i don't think that's the right word) in this. I will try to update tomorrow, possibly the thanksgiving episode, train episode, and quintuplets episode all in the same chapter. Enjoy y'all

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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