if they break your heart, its okay do them a favor and break em bones.

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Spend all of my youth trying to be you,thougt that you were special you were beautiful but the more of you I see the more i am glad i am Me.


Louis Pov.


*I'm terribly sorry, Paris. i forgot to text you. I was busy! hope

you don't mind love

Sweet dreams take care and please, don't let the bugs bite you!

It was nice meeting you and you are so awesome. I apologize for the

words I have said against you.

-Louis the Tommo, your new buddy :)*


Sent and I felt relieved to have sent her a message of greeting/apology,I feel really bad for this girl. She has the looks and swag but she'smute. I wonder why God created people unequal.                And I forgot to mention, She is goddamn good at boxing. Can you imagine that? Plus, I'm her friend and I can get all the defense I want.

“Lou what are you talking about?” Harry asks raising an eyebrow

"Crap, I said it out loud." I muttered silently. while looking at harry from the corner of my eye

“Yes you did boo bear!” Harry exclaims and my face instantly flushed red in embarrassment.

“Hazza at least I don’t talk in my sleep” I said sticking my toungue out and he rolls his eyes at me.

“So who is this girl Louis?” He wiggles his brow while he carelessly and hits my shoulder.

“Her name is Paris. I met her at the gym when I went to workout. While I was doing a little lifting, I saw her boxing-” he cuts me off “Boxing? Seriously, Louis? She's probably a lesbian." Harry teases and I slap his face lightly.

“NO! definitely not. She broke the punching bag! That's how cool she is. She has a lot of swager, haz." My mind escapes the real world as I imagined her speaking to me

“Wow!” His eyes grew wide in amazement.Must get rest. I'm dog tired from all this drama.


I feel people's  jumping on my thighs and legs. The rough movement awaken me from my beauty sleep that i really need. When I pulled away my covers, I found the Lads, showing off mischievous smiles.

“What the hell!?” i yelled at them,hell i am not a morning person they should no that.

“Goooood morning Louisssssssssssss” Harry laid his head on my chest.

“C’mon Lou wakeup!” Liam tries to say it sweetly. But it ain't working on me Liam nice going there mate

“hell No!” i said while pulling the covers all the up to my forehead and turing on the other side of the bed 

“Ok then. We can eat all of your carrot supply. Would that be ok?” Zayn said and I can sense a smirk in his voice how the hell is he awake before me?

“No not my carrots! I am up!” I rose from my bed leaving the duvet and pillows unfixed.


 *Hey Paris wanna meet up?*

Just finished eating breakfast and believe it or not, I just ate carrot stew. I mean ewww, but I was the one who prepared it.Honestly, I wanna hang out with my buddy Paris.But it takes her too long for a single reply.

 Must get ready for the day! I raced to my room and did a few push-ups and lifting. Exercising is my way to start a morning. After the strenuous activity, I raid my closet to choose some clothes to wear.I finnaly settled on alternate blue and white stripes with red skinny pants and toms. Pretty casual eh?

I feel my phone vibrate cause its on vibrate

*Hey g'morning! you wanna meet me?

I'm excited..lol...anyways ummm where do u wanna meet up? We can meet

in an hour at starbucks the one in topanga mall ,if you want.

Have a good day! Are you sure you wanted to be my buddy?*

*Of course! I'm currently getting ready..humm we could meet up at Starbucks?*I texted rapidly while returning to the lounge to watch some TV,when i opened the first thing that comes on is E! news,

"Hello! i am your host Sara. So here we have the latest update on

‘Jelena” and ‘Haylor’. Looks like both ex girlfriends are heading to

the studios with their bf's and as we can see, they're both excited.

Selena states she made Bieber cry and Taylor swears out on Styles on

national awards. The protective Styles and Bieber  are not leaving a

single chance to let people humialte their ex gf's. How sweet!"

"Seriously girls get a life and these stupid paps have nothing else to do execpt for messing with our lifes and selling bullshit." I uttered.

“Louis are you going out?”Niall asked with a mouthful of food in his mouth.

“Yes Nialler” I said while glancing at the wall clock which said i still needed to spare 5 mins.

“Where are you going?can I come?” he asked in a thick Irish accent .


Should i let him? Will he judge Paris?What if he says something wrong

like i did?

“I dont know Niall..umm...okay fine.” Niall can't be that bad right?

 *Can I bring a friend?* I text in uncertainty. Hope this is not too much


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