If i were a boy even just for day....

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This part of my life is all about embracing change and going to the next level, taking risks and showing my bravery.  


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Paris's POV

Shit louis has my phone how am i supposed to answer Niall?I look at louis for help on for him to question me,"whats your code young lady?what is it  2298?"

"No that didn't work"

"9894" stupid much -.-


I looked up at Niall thinking he would have a annoyed facebut instead i found him staring at me with an amused face 

"0000? Yes!!"  louis finnaly figured out my code! i clapped for him in a sarcastic action but he did't understand it.

"ohhhh you have Justin Bieber as your background!Why not US?! i feel ofended Paris! i thought we had something?" as he faked sobbed at Nialls shoulder but wait why would i have him or niall as my freakin background dude?I love bieber so I have him as my background.duh!

"You like Justin Bieber ?" I just simply noded to Nials question with a big smile at niall "Yeah the lad is amazing." he told i olny nodded in return.

"You Don't talk much huh?Can you say something?" Niall finnaly asked annoyed by me not answering him, wait louis didn't tell him that i am mute? I quickly look over at louis only to find him cursing under his breath

"Shit Shit shit" louis chanted while stealing glances at me and niall ,he had a guilty face like he new this was gonna happen but not this early

"Louis can I talk to you privately?" niall asked louis rather rudely while getting up

"Umm yeah sure matel."  he looked and me with a emotion in his eye that i couldn't describe but was still there bugging me

"Paris can you exuse me and niall for a moment?" i just simply noded at them, why am I still here?

Niall dragged louis to the rather empty corner in the restaurant and started screaming at him i only watched from a distance 

"Louis mind telling me whats going on?!?"


"Don't shh me!She doesn't know who You and I am?" he said while pointing at me,I acted like i didn't see that bu serioulsy what this shit about who they are? ain't like they are some big celebrity or some shit !

"why doesn't she Fucking talk mate?she only Nods or smiles to everything i say" niall said again enough loud for me to hear and that was more then enough for me to hear.

"Umm about that,she can't talk she is mute"

"Wow she is mute and ugly! ha well that seems cool louis huh?" he let out a sarcasticish laugh

"No she isn't niall! think twice before what you say!" louis screamed at niall

"Ohhh look who is talking here!" when did you become resposible? I am just talking true mate might sound bitter"louis only bought me here to humiliate me infront on his friend?I qiuckly took out a $50 bill from my pocket and slammed it on the table for the best behaviour  and kindness note the scarsm and left without saying anything. i plugged in my headphones and went right straingh to Yuna and played Fading flower 

seriously what was i thinking? yeah i was stupid enough to think i would have friends of someone that would understand me a part  from andrea?I was stupid enough to let this happen?i am fucked up this all happenes because i let this happen!

Screw this Shit! Screw those Bristish Assholes! Screw everything!

i was just looking for some love and friendship but why?why am i so desprate?

I just want someone to understand and love me for what I am.





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