Chapter 4 Lila

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****Edited 7/27/24****

Surrounded. I had managed to swim against the river's current and cross right into another pack's territory. If I would have had my wolf, I would have been able to sense it. And if I had my wolf, I wouldn't have run straight into the wolves who patrol the lands. I could have avoided them, fought them. Instead, I was tired and weak and they had surrounded me.

"What is your name, girl?" One guard had asked after shifting into human form.

I was amazed that their clothes had shifted with them. As far as I could remember, clothes didn't shift with a person. Shortly after the first wolf shifted, soon the others shifted as well. Six men all wearing clothes that shifted with them. It was odd and some part of me starved to have an answer for how this could happen.

The men looked at each other, eyes shimmering with a slight glow. This was the mind-link. I knew what was to come. They were contacting their Alpha. With their distraction, I took a moment to sniff myself. Did I smell like a rogue or did I smell like me? I wasn't sure anymore if the loss of my pack made me rogue or if I smelled like one from being around Zander and his men.

The guard looked back at me. "Where are you from?"

What did it matter? In a little while, their Alpha would show up and they would most likely kill me. It was still a better outcome than being with Zander. I'd gladly take death.

It didn't take long for the Alpha of this pack to arrive. As soon as he was in my eyesight, I knew he was the Alpha. His tall form radiated strength and leadership, as if it were more than just his title but who he was. His hair was long and a deep rich black, braided back and styled in the ways of warriors.

Fresh blood decorated his armor and blade, but whose blood was it? Did he come from a battle? A war? Was there a war going on and she just ran right into it?

His golden eyes locked onto my form as the guards stepped back, sending a shiver up my spine. I froze. With my wolf I could have handled the guards, but this Alpha... Something inside of me screamed not even to dare to try it.

"Easy," The Alpha said. As he extended his hand. "You're safe now. I promise."

Safe now? Zander was going to hunt me down. I will never be safe as long as he is still alive. I would not be safe with this pack, or any other, for that matter. But the Alpha will not let me go and if I give him cause to think that I may be a threat... well, it will guarantee my death. I need to play the part of a weak woman, then when I have my chance to run...

"You have been through a lot, this I know. Please let me help you. I know you don't trust me, but I promise you, you will be safe." He looked at his men and once again I could tell they were mind-linking. His men retreated into the wooded shadows, but something told me that they were not far from us. A false sense of trust in thinking I wouldn't run or attack. Perhaps it was a test? A wolf would be stupid to trust this and make their move, let alone a weak one.

"Come," He said.

I should obey. If I don't, who knows what he might do? Best to try to keep him calm for now. I forced myself to take a step forward, and another. My legs turn to rubber at each step, but I keep approaching. I reach out and take his hand and his grin, sending another wave of goosebumps over my skin. His hand was so warm compared to mine and the way his eyes seemed to devour me, a pool of endless shades of gold. He was so very handsome, but this was not the time to be swooning over a man.

I let this Alpha lead me through the woods, but I would not be holding his hand to wherever he was taking me. He paused when I pulled away. Maybe he thought I was going to run. It would be pointless with his guards nearby. Wherever he was taking me, we needed to hurry. I didn't need Zander finding me, and I am without a doubt that he is on his way to get me.

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