The Battle of Destiny! Noise and Disharmony

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Jack: You know, I had a feeling you would be coming here

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Jack: You know, I had a feeling you would be coming here. How many years has it been?

Yusei: ....Two.

Jack: Two, huh?

The blonde Turbo duelist then looks at the new bike Yusei had.

Jack: I see you made a new D-Wheel, that's no surprise. You always were good with machinery.

Yusei: You did ride off with the one I built before after all.

Jack: A King never let's a chance slip by.

Yusei: Where is it now?

Jack: In the trash where it belongs.

The younger duelist clenched his fist after hearing that.

Yusei: What about my card?

Jack the opens his coat and pulls out the card his old friend was referring to.

Jack the opens his coat and pulls out the card his old friend was referring to

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Jack: You mean this?

Yusei: ....That card was part of our dreams.

Jack: "Our"?

Yusei: The dreams of all our friends in the Satellite.

Jack: You're still prattling on about childish nonsense like that? If you want it so bad, you can have it back. Now that I'm King, I don't need it anymore!

Jack tosses the card to Yusei as the younger duelist stares at it. It had been so long since he last saw his true ace monster. He finally did it, he achieved what he set out to do when he entered New Domino.

...... But why does it feel so hollow? He should be glad, but he isn't. Deep down, Yusei knew exactly why.

After two long years, Yusei has been waiting to get payback for what Jack did. He won't be satisfied with just taking the card and leave. Plus, he wanted to show Jack just how much his skills improved since their last duel.

Jack: What's the matter Yusei? Put it back in your deck.

Yusei did something Jack did not expect, he threw Stardust Dragon back at Jack.

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