Chapter 4 -

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Mention of Death

3rd Person POV

Link gasped audibly and his stubborn expression faded into shock and confusion.

"Sidon, you-" He stuttered and slumped down, wrapping his arms around his stomach and looking down, sighing. "You can't do that. Not to me. You're not my prince." Sidon scoffed.

"I am the prince of the Zora's Domain," he replied with a hint of pride in his voice. "I am your prince as long as you are here." Link groaned quietly and stood up, wincing quietly under his breath so Sidon wouldn't hear him. He avoided eye contact with Sidon and he left the area, walking slowly back to the Inn.

He slumped on the bed and groaned again, louder, at the stabbing, burning pain he felt in his leg. He rolled his pants up and unwrapped the tight bandages around his leg, sighing and leaning back against the smooth blue marble wall as the pressure released itself from his leg. He stayed in that position for a few minutes and then did the same thing for the bandages around his chest. It felt nice to be able to breathe without the bandages constricting him.

He frowned when he saw the deep scar on his torso that he got from the Lynel. He hated the stupid thing. He closed his eyes and exhaled deeply, feeling his chest move up and down  with each breath he took.

He heard a quiet knock on the wall and opened them again, still looking up.

"Hey.." Sidon spoke quietly, his voice was softer and more compassionate than before. "Are you awake?" Link looked at him and nodded lightly. Sidon slowly walked over to Link's bed slowly and gently, like he was approaching a small animal in the forest. He knelt down next to the bed, grabbing Link's hand and squeezing it softly. "I'm so sorry for that," he finally spoke again. "I was wrong to speak to you like that, whether I'm the prince of you or not. You don't deserve to be yelled at, ever." Link smiled at him and squeezed his hand back.

"It's alright," he replied. "I'm sorry for trying to leave. And for raising my voice at you. And for ignoring you. And for leaving during the conversation.. and everything else I did. I was in the wrong, and I'm sorry" He slumped downwards and clutched his shirt to his chest.

"I forgive you," Sidon said, looking at the food. "However, I still do not want you to leave the Domain." Link opened his mouth to speak, but was quickly interrupted. "I'm not telling you as a prince; I'm asking you as a friend." Link thought for a moment and sighed.

The room stayed silent for another 2 minutes or so before someone finally spoke again.

"You, uh.." Sidon began. "You certainly have a lot of scars. What are they all from?" Link looked down at his chest and then at Sidon.

"A lot of things, probably," he responded. "'Course, I don't remember most of them
This was from the Lynel-" he gestured to the deep scar in the center of his chest. "This was from a lizalfos' Shock Arrow that hit me when I was heading here for the first time-" He gestured to a smaller wound on his arm that had another burn scar with lightning marks around it. "This was from falling off one of the Sheikah Towers that I climbed-" He pointed to a less visible scar on his lower leg. "There's not much of a scar there anymore, but it's.. it's kind of visible." Sidon smiled at him.

"What about that one?" He asked, pointing to what looked like an explosion scar that took up most of Link's stomach. Link paused.

"I'm not sure," he responded. "I don't remember. It was probably something that happened before." Sidon smiled at him.

"Well, let me know if you remember, my friend!" He said enthusiastically, making Link smile.

"I'll keep you updated on that," Link smiled back. "What about you? What'd you get your scar on your fin from?" Sidon paused before answering.

"I, uh.." he mumbled. "I got swallowed by a giant octoroc." Link's eyes widened slightly with shock and interest.

"," he sighed.

"It's kind of a long story," Sidon admitted. "It's a good story, but it's long." Link crossed his legs and smiled at Sidon, who giggled at the gesture.

"I like long stories," Link giggled. Sidon smiled back at him, took a breath, and began telling his story.

"A few years ago, I heard that there was a giant octoroc in Hateno Bay that was terrorizing the fishers there. We were getting a lot of reports about it, so I went out to go see what was going on. I get there, and there is a huge octotoc as large as a mountain! He managed to inhale me, and I was stuck inside its stomach for quite sometime. I stabbed at it from the inside, and eventually I was able to crawl out through a stab wound on the side of it's body. It left the area, and we don't know where it is now. When it inhaled me, My fin caught on one of it's teeth and scratched it so deep, it left a scar." Link's eyes were wide with awe.

"Wow," he said again. "I've never really seen you as a fighter." Sidon shrugged.

"I don't fight much; Only when I need to. But Mipha used to teach me how to use a spear in her spare time before she went to help fight off the Calamity." He frowned. "..I miss her. I miss her so much." Link put his hand on his fin and rubbed it slowly to comfort him.

"I know," he responded quietly. Sidon took a deep breath and sat up straight again, stretching.

"I, uh.." he began. "I- I should go. I have stuff to do." Link nodded at him.

"I get it," he said. "Prince stuff, right? I'm sure you have a lot." Sidon nodded. "I'll see you later. Bye, Sidon." Sidon waved at him and left.

Link looked outside the Inn and saw the dark blue sky full of stars above the Domain. He sighed and layed down, still clutching his Champion's Tunic in his arms. It was a comfortable shirt, and he liked it's color. It matched his eyes.

He closed his eyes, sinking slowly into the soft bed and letting his tiredness take over his mind.

He had a plan for tomorrow. He was going to need the sleep.

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