Elaine- Ramshackle

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Name: Elaine

Age: ??? (I saw the creator of Ramshackle say somewhere that the characters were in 'age limbo' so to speak, so Elaine is also in age limbo until the creator gets their ages figured out)

Appearance: blonde, ragged, wavy hair, a crop top and stylish mini skirt, both made of rags, and...some pumps she found left on the street. They've seen better days. She usually either has her hair down or in a bun, and when it's down, her hair reaches just below her shoulders. She uses one of those cute hair ties that ties up her hair and she leaves it at the top of her head. You know the ones I'm talking  about, right? The headbands?
Elaine used to live in London, where she was born to a rich, rather snobby family. Ever since she was young, they set high expectations for her, and one day, she couldn't bear to live with them, so she snuck out of her mansion and hitched a ride to Ramshackle, leaving her old life behind. She put on some forgotten rags and put on her best pleading face, hoping some family might pick her up someday (a non-rich family, hopefully, or at least a family that doesn't give her expectations that weigh her down), but she found that the rich in this town were meaner to people like her and more spiteful, the less rich people oftentimes not even sparing her a glance. She was about to just put her rich clothes back on and cry about being a sad little orphan, but then Vinnie, Skipp, and Stone found her.

"These bitches, flaunting around their money, not even trying to give us a chance, am I right?" Vinnie scoffed. "Don't worry. You're safe with us now."

And so, Elaine started her life living with the scraps. It was chill for the most part, but she soon learned their certain flaws, like the fact that Vinnie was way too reckless and Stone, in her opinion, was a complete asshole. Skipp was also often too trusting in her opinion. But, she could bear to live with this team of rascals, imperfections and all. After all, she chose to live this life. Now, she just needed to embrace it.

● she's bisexual

● people who have a crush on her: Vinnie (kind of), Stone, Skipp (kind of, it's a very wholesome type of relationship between them)

● she has...something going on with Vinnie where they're friends, but they kinda flirt every once in a while, so they're kinda on and off.

● It's a love/hate relationship/rivals to lovers type thing with Stone because they hate each other's guts, but they like casually making out.

● Her and Skipp...well, it's a one-sided crush for now on Skipp's part, but sometimes it seems like it might just be mutual. Like, when they had to take care of Maggot, Skipp and Elaine were the ones who were mainly the parents/ main parental figures (because I'm aware everyone had a part in 'raising' Maggot).

● Elaine was such a mom when they took care of Maggot. Like, he was out here living in the streets, and if this was how street babies lived, then she wanted to give him a much better experience in life, or at least give him a lot of love so that he can grow into a caring person. That was before he turned out to be a biblically accurate angel, though.

And uh...that's all I got so far! I'll update y'all when I think of anything else for her. Thanks for reading, y'all!

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