A "Boring" Day

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  It was a lonely and drab day unlike any other in the hospital. Streber turned his head to look out at the window nearest to him and he saw that it was storming and thundering outside but not to a very bad degree. Streber then drew his attention to the ceiling as he let out a sigh while he pondered away. Everything was rough for Streber. Being attacked and injured by the infamous serial killer Bob Velseb took a saddening toll on Streber's mental health.

  However his mental health was slowly getting better as he was recovering day by day slowly. Coming to terms with loosing an arm wasn't very easy to him but he eventually got use to it and came to terms with it. Suddenly the sound of the door creaking open in the room snapped him out of his pondering state. It was the nurses that came to his room for his usual checkups and nothing more. Streber had gotten use to the checkups as well so it was nothing new to him.

   Once his checkups were done he went on with his typical day of recovery which consisted of watching TV and resting in silence. However he had grown very tired of watching the TV constantly so he felt like today was the day he'd try to do something different for once. He slowly got out of his bed and stretched. He decided not to change out of his hospital nightgown since he already felt comfortable. He now walked out of his room and began what he considered an "adventure."

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