Just to let you know

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Before you head into this story I just want you to know a few things. Yes I do understand that Streber could potentially be in his early 20's and Patty in her early 30's. However they are adults and can consent despite the age gap. If anybody comments on this fanfic do NOT harass them for liking the rarepair. This story is a fluff fanfic but that doesn't mean it has no plot so don't expect it to be short! :D

This is my first ship fanfic I've ever made so enjoy <3

Edit: Yes this fanfics chapters might be long but its crucial to the story. I swear it gets good after the first chapter. Just saying since I'm seeing certain chapters with mega low views compared to my new chapter. Not begging or etc I'm just wanting y'all to know since I probably should've said each chapter is long XD

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