Love Doves

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  Streber and Patty talked for quite a long time in his room about lots of topics. Patty enjoyed all the trivia and random things he knew about. Streber thought he was talking so much to the point he was getting so nervous for no reason. After awhile his nerves calmed down. Patty was now mainly contributing to the conversation and spewing out some facts on morbid topics she knew.

  Streber thought it was actually very cool she knew so much just like him. It was something that made their connection so much more special to him. However after a few hours of talking Streber's mind started to drift off into his thoughts while they were both talking away. Specifically romantic thoughts. He wanted to hold her hand and kiss her tenderly and gently everyday.

  He wanted to become her beloved and he wanted to comfort her anytime she was sad. He slowly began to think he was going too fast when it came to those thoughts so he tried to shake them off. The problem was that he couldn't. Patty once more started flirting ever so subtly with Streber as he was slightly daydreaming. This time he decided that he wasn't going to just hide how flustered he is but instead flirt back.

  Most of his flirts were rather corny but she didn't mind them at all and just giggled a little since she wasn't expecting them to be so corny. "Oh your too sweet sometimes that its adorable." She said with a slight blush on her face. That's when Streber just couldn't handle trying to hide his flustered self under his confident ruse so he hid his face in his hands while giggling like an idiot. After a few minutes he got himself together but he still had the biggest smile ever. Now they both felt something.

  What they felt were reciprocated feelings for each other. They felt love. Patty looked away shyly as she started to become a blushing mess as well. Streber saw the blush on her face and that made him so much more excited because it showed to him that she felt the same way he does. Streber decided to use this as a now or never opportunity.

  Patty returned her focus onto him once more but this time Streber was closer to her. Her heartbeat went a little faster now. "I just want you to know that I really like you. You are very kind, funny, and beautiful in my eyes. I know I might not be your dream guy and that I'm average of all things but... I love you." He said softly with a sincere and genuine tone. Patty was shocked yet absolutely melting when she heard him say that. She was lost for words now.

  Once her shock went away after a few seconds she realized that Streber was subtly looking at her lips now seemingly thinking about something. This made her feel a little bit warm but she didn't mind that feeling at all. "Streber." She said. "Oh- uh- yes Patty?" He instantly redirected his attention now. "I know that we haven't known each other for long but... I like you too" She confessed.

  Streber wanted to jump up and down so badly out of excitement but instead just smiled. However he noticed Patty starting to lean in slowly now. This made him panic a little because he didn't think that they were going to kiss so soon but he decided to  be smooth and so he leaned in as well. Both of their lips were inches apart now. As she wrapped her arms around him and as he did the same they slowly closed their eyes and then they kissed.

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