Kisses and Snuggles

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  Their kiss is pure bliss. It was like the world stopped moving and time was entirely frozen. It was absolute serenity for the both them. It was a very tender kiss until they had to pull away. The moment meant everything to them.

  It was now official that they were a couple and after a few weeks and many more moments spent together Streber was finally discharged from the hospital and ready to go home. When Patty was finally off work they went to his place. When they got there Patty sat down on his couch tired. Streber noticed this and went over to comfort her.

  He sat down next to her and wrapped his arm around her pulling her close. "Rough day?" He asked curiously as to why she looked so tired. "No just a long tiring day. I'm just glad to finally relax and rest now." Patty replied back while she was removing her medical mask and scrub cap. Once they were removed Streber gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead. Patty let out a soft sigh and laid her head on his shoulder.

  Streber was content and happy with this. The silence was nice. Patty yawned and he realized she must've been extremely tired now. "Would you like to rest somewhere more soft and comfy?" He softly asked her. "Yes I would very much like that if its okay with you. I need a good nap for once honestly..." Patty replied as she yawned.

  Streber was now thinking of where he could let her sleep in his house. His house wasn't the biggest there is so there wasn't a guestroom he could take her to but he couldn't just let her sleep on his stiff couch or else he'd feel bad. As he was thinking that an idea popped into his head instantly. Patty was dozing off as they were sitting on the couch so he decided that using his arm as a support for her was a good idea. Streber helped Patty get up off the couch. He was now leading her down the hallway leading out from the living room and into a new room.

  Once they both entered the new room Patty felt slightly confused. She thought he was leading her to a guestroom or possibly somewhere else but instead she surrounded with lots of posters and classic horror books galore in an obviously inhabited room. "I bet you probably weren't expecting to see all this?" Streber chuckled a little. "I really didn't... what room is this?" Patty asked quite curiously while trying not to doze off as her mind was so focused on getting sleep. "My bedroom!" Streber excitedly announced.

  Her curiosity was laid to rest as that announcement now snapped her out of dozing off and replaced it with a new feeling of nervousness because instead of accepting what he said she was blushing a lot instead. "I mean this is a very nice room and all but why are you taking me here I-" She was about to finish what she was saying but she was cut off. "You can sleep in my bed. I want you to get comfortable and to get some proper rest." Streber says with a loving smile. Patty just started thinking about how this situation could go in different directions and was turning more and more red by the minute. "Is everything okay dear?" Streber asked a bit confused and concerned as to why she was reacting this way.

  "I'm actually quite sure? Your offering for me to sleep in your bed and that could lead to one thing or another-" Patty spouted off in a nervous panic. Streber was about to say something to calm her down but what she said then hit him in the face like a brick. "OH NO NO NO I PROMISE YOU THAT WON'T HAPPEN-" He said in a panicking tone while being way too flustered at the thought of what she was implying. He then collected himself and became calmer before he continued "I promise you that will not happen. You have my word on that. I won't be in the bed with you if that bothers you. I promise." Patty was now visibly relieved as she understood that he was being dead serious right then and there.

  "Yeah I would prefer if you wouldn't just for now. I love you very much but I'm just not comfortable enough for that yet." She said trying not to seem rude at all whatsoever. "I understand what your saying entirely and I respect your boundaries." He said as he lets her go now since she is somewhat awake enough to stand. "I will leave you be now. Rest well my dear." He says to her as he softly kisses her cheek. Streber finally starts to leave the room which leaves Patty alone now. He makes sure to close the door behind him while to give her complete privacy.

  Patty was already changed out of her medical attire beforehand and was perfectly fine with sleeping in her normal clothes. She now got under the covers and tried to nap. However after trying to fall asleep thirty minutes straight she came to the conclusion that she just couldn't rest at all due to being uncomfortable. Everything felt a bit too lonely and quiet for her liking. She stop tossing and turning as she laid in silence now for a little bit longer but she just couldn't take it anymore.

  However just then Streber came to the door and cracked it open as he began to peak inside the room. He was trying to check on her just making sure that she was asleep. He was a bit surprised though since she wasn't asleep already. "Is everything alright?" He asked a little bit curious. "I can't sleep. Its too quiet and lonely for me." She replied with a sigh.

  She seemed very hesitant to admit it but she just decided it was better to say how she truly felt in that moment. Streber couldn't help but understand her frustration however he didn't want to break any boundaries of hers so he politely asked "Would you like me to snuggle with you in bed? I could put on any movie of your choice on TV if you'd like." Patty really appreciated that he was trying to understand how she felt so she nodded and decided to put aside her worries. Streber finally came inside the room and went to his bed as he got under the covers with her. Patty told Streber her favorite movie and he put it on for her and once he was done doing that he began to snuggle her.

  Patty began to snuggle up with him as well and relax finally. It actually wasn't all that bad as she thought the situation was gonna go. She really loved the wholesome moment and basked in it entirely.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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