Weird Impressions

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   Streber roamed the halls up and down. It felt very nice to get some fresh air instead of being stuck in a room all day. Yet oddly enough the hospital isn't that big as it appears on the outside so it isn't as adventurous as he thought it would be inside. However after roaming for thirty minutes he came to an area that peaked his interest which is the morgue. Streber wasn't a very brave guy so the morgue sounded quite scary to him but he was willing to be brave and step foot inside this time.

   He opened the door and walked inside as quiet as can be. It was very dark and ominous in the room. However some morgues are like that in a way so this made him feel better. As he looked around he bumped into a woman. A very stunning lady from the glimpse he could get of her.

   Streber stumbled a little when he bumped into her but managed to keep up right after a few seconds. The slightly confused woman backed away a little until she realized that he was a hospital patient and not a stranger. The woman was slightly shorter compared to Streber and her face was concealed somewhat due to her wearing her needed attire for following safety and health procedures when dealing with corpses. She raised an eyebrow and with a confused tone said "Uh what are you doing in the morgue?" That was actually a good question to Streber since he just came into the morgue unwarranted. "Well I needed a new change of scenery so I decided to roam around until I eventually got here" he replied a little bit awkwardly.

   She raised her eyebrow higher with a slight expression of amusement. To Streber's awkward response she replied "So you came to the morgue and autopsy room of all places?" Streber began to get slightly embarrassed now that he thought about it. "Well I'm very sorry if I was bothering you at all... My name is Streber what's yours?" He says with a slight smile while trying to lighten up the mood to a less awkward one.

   The woman's expression softens as she realizes that he wasn't being weird but rather just curious. "My name is Patricia however everyone calls me Patty." She says quite nonchalantly. It is very clear that she seems quiet no nonsense yet also very meh about everything. Streber feels like this is getting awkward more and more by the minute so he kept making more small talk.

   However Streber can't help but get lost in her beautiful eyes while he talked to her but she's absolutely clueless. Streber doesn't even know her deeply yet he feels so draw to her. Something about her demeanor and voice just draws him in so deeply. He wants to know her even more. After a few minutes of small talk is exchanged he scurried out of the room since he felt quite flustered for feeling this way.

   "I'll see you around Pretty I mean Patty!" Streber turned a little red when he realized that he accidentally admitted what he felt about her already but thankfully he was already out of the room so she wouldn't notice. When Streber left Patty thought "Did he just call me pretty? Eh I must've been hearing things. He's kind of odd but I would prefer that over seeing Skid and Pump again." Streber went back to roaming the hospital while Patty returned to her work without any thought. Streber was still thinking about her and their conversation from earlier in which he is slowly realizing the start of a deep crush forming for her.

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