Candy Kisses

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  Streber eventually came to the lobby and found a simple candy bowl. It had his favorite candies in it which was delightful to him. He asked the lady at the front desk if he could take some and she nodded. He took a handful of candy then stuffed it in his pocket as he went back to his room to wind down for the day. However he noticed Patty walking down the same hallway he was in.

  Streber was slightly baffled because it seemed liked they had finished talking a few minutes ago. Streber turned his head to look at the nearby clock and saw that it had been two hours since then. This came as a shock to Streber since he didn't realize how fast time had flown by until now. Streber then looked back at Patty while realizing this was the perfect opportunity to have a proper and less awkward conversation with her while she is off work. Streber made his way towards Patty with confidence and a big grin.

  "I noticed your off work now huh?" Streber chuckled. "Oh uh yeah..." Patty was caught off guard when he came up to her and said that so she took caution as she turned to face him. "What's your favorite candy?" Streber said eagerly as he jumped at the chance to ask her. "Well I like anything that is chocolate... Why do you ask?" She said with an eyebrow raised. Streber gestured for her to hold out her hand and lightly dropped a Hershey's kiss in her hand.

  Patty didn't actually expect him to be so nice to her like this even though he didn't even know her barely. She appreciated the little thoughtful gift he gave her though and said thank you. She removed her mask so that she could freely eat it. Streber finally got a good look at her and was falling more and more in love with her by the second. To many people they would've said she was average but to him she is gorgeous.

  Her freckles, round face, personality, and beautiful eyes were all that was needed for a gigantic flame to be set alight in his heart for her. He didn't let it show though and instead gave her a sweet toothy smile. Patty enjoyed the candy he had given her and she smiled back at him. "Your pretty nice to me. I like that. Its not every day that I have someone be as nice as you are to me so I really mean it." She said with all sincerity. "Well everyone deserves to be treated if you ask me." He said with a slight chuckle.

  Patty really liked the genuineness behind his words and she chuckled back as well. However this chuckle had a bit of curiosity in it as she seemed slightly interested in him. As they made yet again more small talk she realized she liked him a lot more in both a romantical yet friendly way. She liked how smart and educated he was in certain topics and how he use to be a scare actor which he loved doing around Halloween. She was starting to warm up to him by the minute.

  Streber noticed this but decided not to say anything about it since he liked that they both were enjoying each others company as he didn't want to drive her away from him at all. After a while of talking Patty started throwing in some clever yet subtle flirts in the conversation. This was new to Streber as he was the one use to doing the flirting to others. His cheeks became somewhat pink due to this which Patty was enjoying. Streber began to get more flustered by every minute.

  Streber became so flustered that he couldn't handle it anymore and walked away mid conversation to go to his room. Patty immediately followed behind and when she got to his room she entered in. Patty saw how flustered he was and apologized for it however Streber didn't mind it at all in fact but he just let his emotions get the better of him. He let her know that it was alright and that he was just like this sometimes when it comes to being flustered. Patty sighed of relief but also lightly chuckled because she found that adorable.

  Oh what a wonderful day this has turned out to be for Streber but to Patty it was even more wonderful. Patty had never felt this carefree and happy before so it was very nice. Oh what surprises await Streber and Patty once the sun starts to set.

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