Chapter 3: Emotions Awry

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     I was still shaken from earlier's events. Being around Mark brought me some peace, though. He was so sweet and caring; honestly, I didn't feel like I deserved it.  He knew not to take me to a hospital, and even realized not to call my brother. I didn't even know how I was going to get past this. I'd have to find a new place to live and somehow get my things back. And why the hell did Austin drug me? Was he planning something? At this point there was elation mixed in my despair, if only that I got out before anything worse happened. But I was still scared. The moment he saw me gone, realized my phone was off, he'd start looking for me. I was only safe temporarily.

     "It's not over." I felt tears well up in my eyes once again. "I know it isn't. I got away, but he'll come after me..."

     Mark lifted my chin, giving me no choice but to look at him. In that moment I could have sworn his eyes were darker than normal. "I'm not going to let him hurt you anymore, Karine. I mean it."

    "I... thank you... I owe you a stack of favors." I smiled softly, trying to lighten the mood because I didn't want him to get thrown into this, but he seemed so sincere and I knew just how stubborn Mark could be. 

     "I'm sure we'll work that out later." He winked, ruffling my hair. Whatever darkness I felt had subsided as quickly as it had shown up. 

     I tried to smooth my hair back down before realizing I probably look like a sack of manure anyway. I pulled a compact out of my purse so I could assess the damage. It was worse than I thought and I realized there was no hiding it, not for a couple of days at the very least.

     "Fuck. I'm going to have to stay off camera for a while. There's no way I can cover up all of this." I motioned to my face. " I'll have to talk to Arin and I have no clue how to explain it."

     Mark rested his hand on my knee. "It'll be okay. I'll go with you."

     "And you'll probably get ripped a new one for not calling him tonight." I'd finally gotten warm enough to take my hoodie off, revealing the crimson-stained t-shirt that lay underneath. "Shit. I forgot about the blood."

     "I'll risk it. I'll also risk letting you borrow some clothes so you don't look like a survival horror character." He smirked, standing and offering me his hand. "Come on, let's find you something to wear." 

     I hissed as I stood up. Definitely wasn't going to be back to my normal self for a couple of days. Leaning on Mark for support, he led me to his bedroom and motioned for me to sit down. I watched him rummage through the dresser for a minute or two before turning to hand me a red t-shirt and flannel pajama pants.

     "Thank you, hun." I took then from him and, still disoriented from the drugs, didn't think before I started changing.

     "Hey, whoa!" Mark quickly turned around, averting his eyes. "Give me a warning, missy!"

     I'm sure my face was beet red as I quickly finished changing. "Oh god. Sorry. I'm still out of it. I'm done now."

     He slowly faced me again, grinning like a dork as he shook his head. "I mean, if you want to strip for me some time I won't complain. Just not under these circumstances, yeah?" 

     "Don't press your luck, Fischbach." I lightly punched his shoulder, smirking. "Obviously I need to get to sleep, though. I can't even change clothes without causing a scene." 

     "I'm just glad you're okay." Mark brushed the hair out of my face before pulling me into a tight hug, catching me off guard. I wrapped my arms around him as he held me. My face buried in the crook of his neck, I couldn't help but notice how he smelled: musky yet fresh like rain. It was strangely comforting and if he hadn't pulled away when he did it may well have entranced me. "Now get in bed. You need rest."

    "Okay, okay." I laid on the side that hurt less, giving him a soft smile.

     He nodded, shutting off the light as I wrapped up in the sheets. "Sleep well, Karine."

     "You too, Mark." I heard the door click and rested my head on his pillow, noting how it was covered in his scent. I drifted off to sleep soon after.

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