Chapter 13:- Trust Issues

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The whole scenario was watched by Abhimanyu. He was broken that Aarohi trusted his father more than him. Aarohi saw him and was about to go near, but Harsh stopped her. He asked her to spend time with her family; he will manage Abhimanyu.

Abhimanyu's POV:

Does she not have this much trust in me that she could share her past with me? She shared her past with sir and took his help for the investigation but didn't even think for once about how I would feel. Does she trust me or not?

Abhimanyu's POV ends.

He was sitting in the garden of Birla House when Harsh came.

"Abhimanyu, listen to me."

"What should I hear? That Aarohi trusts you more than me?"

"No, Abhimanyu, nothing is like that. You have taken it the wrong way."

"What do you mean, sir? So much happened in her life, and I didn't even know that."

"Abhimanyu, she wanted to tell you, but I stopped her."

"Why did you stop her?"

"I didn't want your relationship with her to be spoiled, so I asked her that we would tell you later. But you got to know earlier."

"But sir, relationships are built on trust."

"But Abhimanyu, there are some talks that can only be done between a father and daughter."

"What do you want to say?"

"I want to say that she has considered me as her father. She shared everything with me as a father. She lost her father at a young age, so she would have many things she wanted to share with her father. I didn't get the love of a father from my sons, but from Aarohi. So, she is precious to me. Don't think of it in a negative way, Abhimanyu," saying so, Harsh left with teary eyes.

Abhimanyu thought about how he could see his father's pain in his eyes. His father had always supported him and given him every possible opportunity. He also sadly went to his room.

The next day at the hospital,

"Where is Abhimanyu? When I don't want to meet him, he is always in front of me. But when I need to meet him, he is not nearby," Aarohi said to herself.

She went to Abhimanyu's cabin, and he was sitting there.

He is a human or a ghost? I came 5 minutes before, he wasn't sitting here, but now what is he doing here? Oh, Aarohi, it's his cabin, his wish. Aarohi said in her mind.

There was a knock on the door when Abhimanyu saw Aarohi in his cabin.

"Come in."

"Hi, Abhimanyu."

"Hi, Akshara. What are you doing here?"

"Ok, so my going-to-be jiju, I came here to apologize to you for all I did. I know it was wrong, but I am really, really sorry."

"No problem, Akshara. It's really good that you understood your mistake and decided to start a fresh life. May God fully help you."

"Thank you, Abhimanyu. Ok, I must leave; you both would be needing some personal time."

Saying so, she left, making them both awkward.

"Ok, Abhimanyu, I need to talk to you."

"But Aarohi, I don't want to talk to you."

"Please hear me out, what I want to say."

You don't trust me. You didn't even think of telling me about the past.

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