Chapter 27:- Jealousy Overloaded!!!!

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The Goenka house was beautifully decorated with bright flowers and fairy lights. People were roaming from here and there. Kairav was giving instructions regarding the decorations, and all elders were welcoming people. It was time for the guests to arrive. After half an hour, Aarav's family was beautifully welcomed by the Goenka family.

Aarav's eyes were fixed only on Akshara's room and he was waiting for her to come. Just then, Abhi came to him.

"I know whom you are waiting for. I am also waiting," Abhi said.

"Stop it, Abhi. I know you are waiting for Aarohi. Very eager to see her," Aarav replied.

"Of course, because of your marriage, I am not able to see my wife," Abhi said.

"Oh, so you are angry with me?" Aarav asked.

"No," Abhimanyu replied.

Abhimanyu turned his head and was in a state of shock. Aarohi and Akshara were coming downstairs. They were looking extremely beautiful. Aarav and Abhimanyu didn't even blink for a single moment after watching them. They both were lost in their beauty. Aarohi and Akshara saw Aarav and Abhimanyu staring at them, and they both were blushing hard.

Jijaji and soon-to-be jijaji, stop looking at my sisters like this.

"Stop it, Kairav. Why are you teasing my brother?" Anisha said while coming.

Aniket was lost in Aarohi's beauty.

"She is looking so beautiful. I think I have finally found my soulmate," Aniket thought.

Aniket went near and was talking to Aarohi. Aarohi was talking with a smile on her face, and Abhimanyu was looking at them, thinking, "Aarohi is smiling with that guy."

"This Aniket, what is he doing around my Aaru? Why are they both smiling and talking with each other? I can't see her like this with this guy," Abhimanyu said to himself.

Aarohi was walking but suddenly tripped. Aniket held her hand to prevent her from falling. Abhimanyu saw this and became even angrier. He went towards Aarohi.

"Aaru, are you alright? Didn't you get hurt?" Abhimanyu asked.

"Don't worry, Abhimanyu, I am alright, and Aniket helped me."

"Until I am around you, Aarohi, nothing will happen to you," Aniket said, making Abhimanyu even angrier.

"Why is this guy sticking around my Aaru? Is she a magnet and is he an iron that he gets attracted to her automatically? I swear, if he doesn't stay away from her, I will definitely kill him," Abhimanyu was talking to himself angrily.

Akshara heard all this and was smiling. Aarav saw her smiling.

"What happened, Akshara? Why are you smiling like this all of a sudden?"

"Abhimanyu is possessive for Aaru, and I love looking at them. His jealousy for my sister seems like he truly loves her and can't tolerate anyone around her."

"That's true. Let me go and bring water for you."

As Aarav was walking, a girl slipped, and Aarav held her by the waist to prevent her from falling.

"I am sorry."

"No problem," Aarav replied.

Aarav was talking with the girl, and Akshara was frowning seeing them like that. The girl came near Akshara.

"Congrats, Akshu. I am so happy for you."

"Thank you, Neha."

"So, where is my soon-to-be jiju? I haven't seen him yet."

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