Chapter 17:- Aarohi Is Jealous...

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Everyone reached the location.

"So, here is our purani haveli and hotel. You all will enjoy a lot here," Mimi said.

"So, there are 8 rooms here for us?" Harsh asked.

"Yes, Harsh Ji. In one room, you and Manjari Ji stay, in the second room, Swarna and I. The third room would be allotted to Anand Ji and Mahima Ji, and in the next room, Kairav and Neil," Manish said, explaining.

"Now, we are left with Mimi, Akshu, Aaru, Nishta, and Abhimanyu," Kairav said.

"So, that's simple. In one room, Akshu and I will live, Aaru and Nishta in the second, and Abhimanyu can be alone in the last room if he doesn't have any problem," Mimi suggested.

Everyone was okay with this arrangement and proceeded to their respective rooms.

In Abhimanyu's room, he saw that his room had a common door to the next room. He thought he could go in and discover who was on the other side. He banged the door, but no one opened. He banged the door again, but as the first time, there was no response.

Abhimanyu thought of opening the door, and he opened it but bumped into a person; his lips touched the forehead of that person.

"What are you doing, Abhimanyu?"

"It's your room, Aarohi."

They both were shocked to see each other but more embarrassed after what had happened. Aarohi was blushing a little, and Abhimanyu could clearly see that. He pulled her into his room as he was the only one living in that room.

"What are you doing, Abhimanyu?"

"What am I doing, Aarohi?"

"First, open the door. If someone else were in that room, then..."

"I wouldn't have opened the door as I knew that you were living in there."

"Then why were you knocking on the door, Abhimanyu?"

"First of all, I am soon to be your husband, call me Abhi, not Abhimanyu. Secondly, I am the only one here in this room, you can visit this room whenever."

"Are you crazy or what, Abhimanyu?"

"Abhi, not Abhimanyu."

"Ok, Abhi, what's going on? Why did you pull me into your room?"

"Because, Aarohi, I wanted to give you a gift."

"A gift, and that for me? Show me."

"Here, take it."

Abhimanyu handed the gift box to Aarohi. Aarohi opened the gift and was surprised.

"A saree! This saree is beautiful, but Abhimanyu, I don't know how to wear a saree."

"No problem, Aarohi. I will help you with it."

"What did you say?"

Abhimanyu realized what he had said and apologized to Aarohi.

"No problem. Now you must sleep; it's getting late, and Nishta must also be coming."

"Ok, good night, Aarohi."

Saying so, Aarohi left the room and quickly entered her room before Nishta could see. They both were remembering each other.

Everyone slept, and it was a tiring day for everyone, especially the ones who were driving. The next day, a pooja was planned for Aarohi, Akshara, and Kairav's well-being by the Goenkas.

In the morning, Akshara was adjusting her dupatta. While doing so, she bumped into a person. The person was above her, and she was on the floor. The person was just looking at Akshara's face, noticing each and every feature. Akshara saw him and was confused. She pushed him and got up.

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