8. movie (pt.1)

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1779 words

"Play the summer playlist!" Ashley exclaimed.

"It's almost the middle of September," Hayley laughed, "I'd rather listen to the Halloween playlist."

"Boooo," Tyler called from the back seat, "no Halloween."

"I'm just shuffling our collab playlist." Jude mumbled, shaking his head at his friends. The four of them were in Jude's car on their way to the movies. They had all gotten out of class early enough that they could make the 7pm showing of their favorite 80s movie: The Dark Crystal. The closest theater that was showing the re-release was 35 minutes away, so Jude offered to drive. He was accompanied up front by Ashley who always claimed shotgun (and royally pissed everyone off each time she did so). Tyler and Hayley were in the backseat, Tyler diagonal to Jude and Hayley to Ashley. Typically, this was their ideal set up: Tyler within eyeshot of his best friend and Hayley within eyeshot of hers. But now, Tyler was shifting uncomfortably and forcibly staring out of his window so that he didn't have to see Jude's eyes on him. It wasn't that Jude made him uncomfortable— the boy hardly acted any differently than he always had. The issue was how Tyler was making himself feel. He was reminded about how horrible it would be to have the dreaded conversation with Jude every time he looked at him, so he tried not to do that anymore. He knew that Jude could tell that something was off, but he had yet to ask him about it.

"I can't wait to see it on the big screen," Ashley giggled, "It's going to be so much worse in high definition."

"That scene where they're all eating at the table..." Hayley shuddered, "we're gonna have to hear that in surround sound."

Tyler snorted out a laugh, "I bet Jude's gonna vomit at that part."

The mentioned glared at Tyler briefly, "I will not."

Ashley laughed loudly and nodded, "Oh you so will, dude!" Jude rolled his eyes and shook his head, "Why am I always the punching bag?"

"Aw, you know we love you, Judy." Hayley cooed and reached in front of her to pinch the boy's cheek. Jude swatted her away with one hand as he kept the other on his steering wheel, "Ty, control your animal back there."

Tyler shook his head, "No can do, Judy. She bites."

"Stop calling me that," Jude huffed, "That is not my name."

"Sorry, Judith." Ashely said sincerely, patting the boy's shoulder.

"I hate you guys." Jude grumbled. Ashley turned up the radio and cheered as an early 2000s Britney Spears song came on. They all began to sing along and perform to one another and Tyler felt relief that things were normal for the first time in two weeks. He hoped that Jude would get over his little crush quickly so that things didn't have to be so weird all the time.

When they parked at the theater, it was 6:45pm. They hurried inside and each eagerly bought their tickets, asking across the ticket counters to one another if they wanted to share popcorn. They decided to get two medium bags to share among the four of them and each of them bought a drink. Tyler bought 3 boxes of candy for himself  and broke one open as soon as they were handed to him.

"Your stomach is gonna hurt so bad." Hayley laughed as he threw a few cookie dough bites into his mouth. He shook his head and spoke with his mouth full, "No it isn't. My stomach loves candy."

Jude joined the two by the soda fountain and pointed at the boxes of candy in Tyler's hands, "Your stomach is gonna hurt later, dude."

Tyler groaned and angrily threw more cookie dough bites into his mouth, "No it isn't!"

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