17. Ty's (pt.2)

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1055 words

To say Josh was distracted during his meeting would be an understatement...he was on a whole other planet. More specifically, he was on a planet where only Tyler existed. The younger's words had wiggled their way into the folds of his brain, the ink of his pen blooming and spreading there. He wanted nothing more than to sit down and talk with Tyler about his writing. He wanted to know every story to every piece he had written. He wanted to know every thought and feeling that had gone into that notebook.
(He also secretly wanted to see Tyler blush at his compliments again.)

"Professor Dun, are you keeping up?" Dr. Falter (of course) asked impatiently. Josh snapped out of his day dreaming and mental untangling of Tyler's writing and stared at the man, "Um, yes, sir. My head is somewhere else, I'm sorry."

"Yes, well I'd appreciate it if your head could stay here so you can keep notes." the man feigned politeness. Josh nodded curtly and made himself busy with the meeting notes in front of himself. He'd have plenty of time to talk to Tyler about his writing later.


At last, Tyler's lunch break had rolled around and he practically skipped to the man's office out of pure exuberance. He let himself in and paused when he realized the office was empty. He met Josh for lunch at the same time every day, so where was he?

He decided to plop down on the couch and wait for the man, pulling out his cellphone to entertain himself. After 10 minutes, he received a text from the missing man:

Josh: Hey, Ty! I'm sorry I didn't message you earlier; this meeting is taking a lot longer than it was supposed to. I don't think I'm going to make lunch today. Your lunch is in the mini fridge behind my desk, though, so please eat. I'll see you a little later for work. Again, I'm so sorry.

the younger frowned and let out a long sigh, but responded:

Tyler: hey dw about it! when are you going to eat though :(

Josh: I'm sure I'll find time after this meeting finally ends. Though, that time may be next week at this rate.

Tyler: if you starve to death do i still have to do your research...?
Tyler: jk don't die.

Josh: That wasn't on the agenda for today, thankfully. I'll see you later for the job I will be very much so alive for to advise you on, dweeb.

Tyler: dweeb is new. not a fan. see you later

Tyler smiled to himself and walked his way around the man's desk. He leaned down and opened the black mini fridge Josh had constantly been reaching in and out of anytime the two were together: the man was constantly eating.
Inside was a brown, paper take-out bag with handles. It was crinkled on the sides due to its size being shoved in the small fridge and had a floral logo in the middle. Tyler beamed at the bag, knowing exactly where the food was from.

Days earlier...
Tyler and Josh ate their lunch as Tyler complained, "I could so go for some Mexican food right now. I haven't had a good burrito in forever."
Josh lit up, "There's a great Mexican place in downtown called La Rosa! Have you never been?"
"What, no? I didn't even know it existed!" Tyler gasped, "It's downtown?"
"Yeah, it's the best. You'll have to try it sometime," the man smiled, wanting to offer to take the younger to the restaurant, but not wanting to overstep.
"Yeah, I definitely will." Tyler nodded, wanting to ask Josh if he'd go with him, but not wanting to overstep.

Tyler set the take out bag on Josh's desk and pulled out the two cardboard hinged containers, both looking the exact same. Tyler bit his lip nervously, not really knowing which one was his. Once he unstacked the boxes, however, he noticed the yellow sticky note on the top of the bottom box that read "Ty's"

Tyler's cheeks went red just from the small gesture of the sticky note, but when he opened the box, he blushed so hard his ears started ringing. Josh had gotten him a burrito, and like most Mexican restaurants, La Rosa had placed his lettuce and guacamole on top of his burrito, and Tyler couldn't help but notice that there wasn't a single tomato in his box. He also noticed that there was a double serving of Spanish rice rather than a serving of Spanish rice and refried beans. Not only had Josh ordered Tyler's food, he made sure to specifically order it the way Tyler liked it. Out of sheer curiosity, he peeked inside Josh's box. The man had gotten the exact same thing without any alterations; his burrito was topped with lettuce, tomato, and guacamole and accompanied by a serving of refried beans and Spanish rice.

Tyler placed Josh's food back in the fridge and stared at his own, absolutely dumbfounded by how considerate the man was. He knew it really wasn't that big of a deal, but for the man to change his order without needed to be asked, just because he knew how Tyler preferred his food, was incredibly kind. He took the sticky note from the box and carefully folded it into his pocket, wanting nothing more than to stick it on Josh's forehead and claim the man as his own. Instead, he pulled out his phone and texted the man:

Tyler: josh you're so incredibly kind. thank you for the food and thank you for remembering that i don't like tomatoes or refried beans :(

Josh: Don't mention it! I wouldn't make you eat anything you didn't want to.

Tyler: thank you again. i hope you get out of that meeting soon.

Josh: You and me both.

Tyler had begun to believe that he was content with the friendly nature of his and Josh's relationship, but it was when the man did things like order his food the exact way he liked it without being asked that he threw that contentment out the window and yearned for more. If he was head over heels before, he was now tumbling down a mountain into an abyss. He really liked Josh.
Possibly even loved him.


hehe hope you enjoyed :3

-mare <3

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