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𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐀 slowly opened her eyes, adjusting to the dimly lit room. The walls were painted a light shade of grey and the sofa was torn and rotting.

She tried to sit herself up but she still felt funny so she laid back down. Renea attempted to bring her hand up to her neck where she had been injected the night before, but her hands were tied together by rope as well as her feet.

The brunette sighed softly as she tried to break free of the rope. A huff of annoyance left the girls mouth as she failed. Renea looked down at her gown from the night before, her heels also remained on her feet.

Renea looked around the abandoned house. Broken furniture was scattered everywhere and almost all of the windows were boarded up. Spider webbs hung in the corners of the large room. As she sat on the disgusting couch she wondered who the hell picked this place?

Her memory slowly started to fade back to her as she replayed the night before in her mind. Suddenly the girls panic returned.

Renea piped up, her eyes searching the room for her sister. But Elena was no where to be seen.

Suddenly an unknown man entered the room holding her sister, who wasn't moving. He carried her in his arms up until the coach before harshly dropping her on the opposite side of Renea, who tensed in the man's presence.

"Hey! Don't touch her!" Renea yelled, struggling against the tightly tied ropes.

The vampire turned to look at her, putting his fingers to his mouth to shush her. Renea's gaze hardened at the man as he got up and left the room without another word.

Renea sighed as she leaned her head back waiting for her sister to wake up. After about thirty minutes, Renea was about to fall asleep until she heard Elena's panicked vocie. "Ren?"

"Hey- hey your alright ok?" Renea attempted to calm her sister down. Suddenly the man reentered the room, making his way over to Elena, his fangs and veins visible. He pulled Elena up and was about to bite into her until a woman yelled at the man.

"Trevor control yourself!" The woman scolded causing the man to roll his eyes.

Renea turned and looked at the woman. She was a beautiful, tall woman with a pixie cut, her facial features were extremely sharp.

"Buzzkill." Murmured Trevor as he got up from the coach.

"What do you want with us??" Elena asked the unknown woman, who gave her a board look.

Rose looked at the doppelgänger in awe. "My god you look just like her." Shock written all over her face.

Elena stepped forward, "But im not her. I'm Ele-." Elena started but was rudely interrupted.

"Be quiet and sit down!" The woman snapped.

"You don't have to do this." Pleaded Elena.

"Elena." Renea hissed at her sister. She could tell the woman was getting annoyed with her.

"What do you even want from us??" Elena questioned as she stepped closer to the woman.

In the blink of an eye the woman had slapped Elena unconscious. Renea was shocked looking up at the woman who was already looking at her.

"I would suggest you be quiet. Unless you want to end up like your sister." She threatened as her eyes narrowed at the oldest Gilbert causing Renea to shift uncontrollably under her gaze.

Using her vamp speed the woman was next to Renea in a blink of an eye, grabbing her shoulder.

"What the hell? Get off me!" Renea protested but the woman didn't budge.

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