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𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐀 came down the stairs all ready for the day. She made her way into the kitchen noticing Elena was still in her pajamas. Renea made her morning coffee and sat down at the table. She couldn't help but notice something felt off. Elena was being a little to quiet so she decided to brake the silence. "Lena are you okay? You've been quiet all morning."

Elena managed a small smile to appear in her lips, "I'm fine Ren, just trying to process everything."

Renea nodded as she took a sip of her drink, holding the mug tightly in her hand. Damon called her earlier this morning wanting her to come over. They needed to discuss something urgent so she quickly downed her coffee and made her way towards the door.

As the sisters pulled up to the boarding house, Renea didn't waste a second walking strait into the house. Elena following closely behind her. The two making there way towards the parlor.

"Hello Elena." Damon greeted them turned to his best friend giving her a tight hug, "Renny."

"Hey." Renea smiled, hugging her best friend. Yes Hayley was her day one best friend but she couldn't choose between the two. In her eyes they were both equally her best friend.

Renea walked over towards one of the many couches, plopping down when she noticed someone else in the house. "Rose." Renea narrowed her eyes at the vampire.

"It's alright Ren, she's not here to harm you or Elena." Stefan explained.

"You." Elena said, surprised to see her kidnapper.

"She's just here to talk."

The three vampires and two humans settled in the library. Elena and Stefan on the couch their arms wrapped around each other. Renea sat in a leather arm chair with Damon protectively standing behind her, his chin resting on top of her head.

"Okay, you have to understand I only know what I have picked up over the years and I don't know what's true and what's not true. It's the problem with all this vampire crap about Klaus, but I do know he's real." Rose confirmed.

"Who is he?" Elena asked.

"He's one of the originals." Damon answered before Rose could.

"Like Elijah?" Elena asked.

Renea tensed in her seat at the mention of him. Ever since she saw Elijah's dead corpse, she felt uneasy. No matter where she was. To be honest she doesn't know how to feel about him. Yes he is extremely attractive but would she date him? No. But there's something about him. Like there's an invisible string tying them together. But she shrugged it off, hoping no one noticed.

"No, Elijah's the Easter bunny compared to Klaus. He's a foot solder. Klaus is the real deal." Explained Rose.

"Klaus is known to be the oldest." Stefan added.

"Okay so you're saying the oldest vampire in the history of time is coming after me?" Elena squeaked.



Damon winced. "What they're saying is, I mean if what she's saying is true-."

"Which it is." Rose interrupted.

"And you're not saying it so I don't kill you-." Damon sternly looked at Rose as she let out a huff.

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