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𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐍 they arrived back at Mystic Falls they learned that Stefan was stuck in the tomb with granny Kathrine. The same tomb that traps vampires. And the cherry on top is that Jeremy is the reason for Stefan being stuck.

So while Renea was stuck cleaning up Elena's mess her other sibling was making an even bigger one. So to say that Renea was stressed out was an understatement.

Elena and Damon were currently at the tomb to talk to Stefan. Renea decided she was going to wait till morning because she didn't want to leave Jenna and Jeremy alone with all the vampire crap and she didn't have the energy too.

Renea was so tired but she had a huge pile of makeup work she had to for her college classes. Luckily her professors were extremely understanding so they agreed to let her do the assignments from home.

But she decided to do it later. So she slowly climbed up the stairs and plopped down onto her bed, snuggling into her covers. Not caring that she was still in her day clothes and makeup. She was so tiered she didn't notice her missing jacket was nicely folded lying on her dresser.

Renea walked down the stairs that lead to the tomb, carrying a bag full of supplies for Stefan. As she was walking she noticed how cold the tomb actually was due to the lack of sunlight.

She placed the bag down on the ground in front of the barrier. "Stefann!" Renea called, her voice echoing through the dark tomb.

"Ren?" Stefan asked as he approached her, stepping out of the shadows, a large grin plastered onto his face.

"Stef! I would totally give you a hug but your kinda..." She trailed off which made Stefan chuckle at the younger girl.

"No, you're right. It's not safe for you to come inside." Stefan nodded.

"What he really means is that if you step foot in here I'll bite into your pretty little neck." Kathrine appeared behind Stefan, draping her arm on his shoulder, which he quickly pushed off.

Ren looked at Kathrine noticing how she was still in her dress from the party. She knows that Kathrine is supposed to be the bad guy but she couldn't help herself but feel sorry for the woman. Kathrine used to not be evil, she was once a human girl too.

Renea picked up her bag from the ground and zipped it open, "Okay so I got you a nice, warm blanket to sleep on." She kicked the blanket to Stefan with her foot. "And i brought you some animal blood. Oh and it's bunny blood because that's your favorite! And I brought your journal incase you wanted to write. Oh! And a lantern." Renea smiled as she passed everything towards the vampire.

Then her eyes flickered to Kathrine, "And for you Kathrine I brought you a change of clothes and I brought you some human blood." Renea carefully  kicked over Kathrine's things.

The vampire quickly tore off the lid to the bottle and drank the whole thing. Sighing in satisfaction, "Why?" Kathrine croaked in confusion.

"Well just because we don't like you doesn't mean that you don't deserve basic necessities ." Renea sighed.

"Well um t-thanks i guess." Kathrine nodded as she went back into the darkness of the tomb.

Renea knew that was the most gratitude she was going to show and she's ok with that. The girl said her goodbyes to Stefan and made her way back up to her car.

Renea hummed to the song on the radio as she tapped her hands on the steering wheel, keeping her eyes on the road ahead of her. All of a sudden her phone began to ring so she quickly grabbed it and answered it, "Hello?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 22 ⏰

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