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𝐑𝐄𝐍𝐄𝐀 let out a loud gasp as she shot up from her bed. She looked around her room sighing in relief, putting her hand on her chest and rested her head against her headboard, bringing her knees to her chest.

It's just a nightmare. She thought to herself, but it wasn't just any nightmare it was the nightmare. The one that torchered her at least twice a week, maybe more. This one nightmare has cost her many hours of sleep. Actually for a month she was scared to fall asleep because she feared that she would have this exact nightmare.

Sighing once more, Renea rubbed the sleepiness out of her eyes, making her way towards the bathroom. She quickly pulled her hair into a low ponytail, gently turned on the tap, slashing the cold water on her face in hopes that it would wake her up.

After she dried her face she looked up into the mirror, staring at herself. After a moment of thought she let out another sigh and decided to get ready for the day.

"Eww." Renea giggled as she sipped her morning coffee. One thing about the oldest Gilbert is that she loved coffee. But it had to be sweet, she absolutely despised black coffee. The girl couldn't understand how people would drink it black with no added sugar or syrup. Just the thought of black coffee made her crinkle her nose in disgust.

"I can't believe you saw Ric half naked." Renea exclaimed as she leaned against the kitchen counter.

Elena smiled, "it was less than half! All he had was a bowl to cover his boxers." She laughed.

Jeremy gaged, "I'm so happy i was asleep."

The siblings laughter quieted down as Alaric and Jenna came down the stairs. The two adults guessed what the kids were talking about.

Alaric put his hand on his neck, "uh I'll see you kids later." He pecked Jenna on the cheek and practically ran out of the house. All three siblings roared in laughter.

"You three are terrible." Jenna rolled her eyes.

"Thanks." All three siblings said in unison.

"We try." Renea shrugged as her and Jeremy high fived."

Renea stood infront of a very large apartment building, it was stunning. The details on the old building her absolutely beautiful. She, Elena, and Rose all stood in awe at the apartment where Slater supposedly lived. They were trying to find out more about Klaus and the curse. And Slater was the perfect person to go to since he was such a supernatural nerd.

Renea exhaled as she turned to the others, "What are we waiting for? Let's go." Her shoes clicked along the concrete as she led Rose and Elena inside the building.

After climbing up a thousand stairs they finally reached his apartment. Rose pointed to his door and knocked, "Slater, it's Rose open up!"

But no one answered.

"Not home sorryy." Rose turned to head back down the stairs but Elena stopped her.

"No. We didn't come all this way for nothing."

As the two were bickering Renea had used her Bobby pin to break in. The door made a click which caused the two to look at her. "What?"

The three entered the very large apartment and Renea couldn't help herself but admire it, absolutely loving every peace of furniture.

"Slater?" Rose called but once again there was no answer.

Renea continued to look around the apparent in awe but something caught her attention in the corner of the room. "o-oh my god." Renea let out in a shaky voice.

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