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"𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐘 close behind me Lena. You hear me?" Renea sternly told her sister as she pulled her into a hug.

Elena nodded before her eyes flickered to the shadows approaching them. She instantly gripped Renea's hand and let her sister stand in front of her.

While holding Elena's hand in one hand, her other hand was held in a tight fist, her nails barely scratching the surface of her skin.

Renea turned when she heard loud footsteps approaching. A man entered from behind Rose. Renea didn't have to wait for his eyes to meet hers because they were on her even before she saw him.

His eyes were dark from what she could tell from afar and his features were defined and handsome. He stood there without fear, his presence gained him attention from everyone in the room.

Though they were far apart she could feel the confidence and power radiating off of him in waves.

There was no doubt in her mind that he was the most attractive man she has ever laid her eyes on.

His eyes pierced into hers, Renea broke there eye contact turning to look at her sister. But then she turned back to see him still looking at her. She felt an uncomfortable burning and tingling sensation on her collar bone. But Renea refused to show any sign of discomfort or pain. Then he smiled at her and she swears her heart skipped a beat. All of her fear for the man melted away.

Elijah was in absolute awe of the woman standing before him. She was the most beautiful woman he has ever laid his eyes on. She was a masterpiece and he had the pleasure of gazing at her. He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

She was tall and toned. Which he could tell from her excellent posture and stance. Her facial features were sharp. However her eyes were soft. She had mid length dark brunette hair that went down to three small of her back.

She was a sight for a sore eye.

Elijah couldn't help himself but to smile at his beauty. His smile was genuine. Which is something he hadn't had for years. He felt an unusual sensation on his color bone. A blending of burning and tingling. She was the woman he had been waiting for .

In the blink of an eye he stood in front of her which caused her to tense. He was standing a little too close for her liking. Her first tightened causing her nail to go deeper into her skin but she didn't seem to notice. Elena sensed her sister's discomfort and let go of her hand stepping back.

Elijah stared down at her, since she was shorter by 5 centimeters. He could feel their connection from how close the twos body's were. He couldn't help but to stare into her soft eyes.

Renea too felt the connection, but she didn't understand the feeling. All she knew was that the way he was looking at her wasn't the way one would if he wanted to harm her.

Elijah couldn't help himself and noticed how tight she held her fists. He could tell that because of how tight her hands were she was slightly pricing the skin.

Renea snapped out of whatever that was and stood up straighter. Not wanting to seem weak and small to the enemy.

Elijah couldn't help himself but smile at her. He noticed how she had put her guard up. To be honest he found it quite cute that she was attempting to be intimidating. "Hello love." He spoke softly, almost a whisper. His eyes staring into her soul.

Renea felt a shiver run down her spine not a cold one like earlier this one was different. But she knew better than to show emotion so she simply took a small step backwards.

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