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Hi guyss I'm sorry for not updating for a while but here a special chapter where y/n recently became friends with Supra and he helped her improve her grades !!


"Ow!" A certain female groaned as her best friend hit her on the head with a stack of papers he's holding, she rubbed her head to soothe the pain and pout at him.

The male only sighed in disappointment and shook his head, "I told you to pay attention when I'm teaching you."

"Can you really blame me? You brought me to your house, which is full of your brothers!" The h/c haired female retort back.


"So, it's distracting when any of your brother entered the room!" She reasoned with him to which the said male rolled his eyes at.

"If you want to improve your grades, you need to stop focusing on boys too much— you can, but there should be a limit."

She pouts before nodding, defeated. "Fine, you're right.." She mumbled, followed by a raise of a brow by Supra. Y/n sweat as he looks at her, clearly doubting her.

".. Fine.. I'll try.. Now teach me how to so—" A knock then was heard on the door, Supra looked up at the door as it opened, to reveal his older brother, Gentar.


"I was wondering if you've seen my cap, kinda lost it." As they both conversed, Y/n kept staring at Gentar. When Gentar noticed her, he gave her a wave to which she blushed and covered her face with her book.

He chuckled at the reaction, 'Looks like she haven't change much.' He thought before looking back at Supra. "No, I haven't seen it. Maybe ask the others?" He suggested as he adjusted his glasses.

Gentar shrugged and nod before leaving the room.


"Do you like him or something?" Supra asked his best friend bluntly, she slammed down the book and look up at the male, her face still red from embarrassment.

"What? No. He's just handsome okay.."

"Mhm, sure. Now let's focus on the task at hand." He said as he began teaching. Surprisingly, she understands it very well.

"Ohh.. Okay.." Her soft voice murmured to herself, thinking to herself that she just didn't pay attention and the things Supra taught her was actually pretty easy.

"Wasn't that hard, now was it?" He remarked as he cleaned up his desk, reorganising all the materials he had used to help you. She nods in agreement at his statement.

"Yeah.. I was just being dramatic, I guess.." She mumbled as she pack her things into her bag before looking out the window. A bird landed on the windowsill, which caught her attention.

She stood up from her seat and stride over to the window to open the window. Surprisingly the bird didn't flew away. The female held her hand out to the bird, to which the bird tilt its head. She smiled and pet it with her finger.

"Hello.." Her soft voice greets the bird. The bird chirped and leaned into her touch, nuzzling into her hand.

Supra who had finished organising his things watched the scene, smiling slightly at the sight. He took his phone from his shelf and took a picture of the female. The sound of a click caught her attention, causing her to look at him.

"Did you just take a picture of me?" She asked him, tilting her head to the side. Supra only look at his phone in satisfaction, "I know someone that will like this picture.." He grinned slightly, confusing the female of his strange behaviour.

Supra look up and noticed his friend was staring at him in bewilderment, "What?" He raise a brow.

"What are you going to do with that picture?"

"Give it to someone."

"Am I supposed to be worried?"

"No, I know this person, no worries." He said as he sent the picture to Gentar before putting down his phone. "Need me to walk you home or you're fine on your own?"

"I'm fine on my own, thank you for the offer." The said female replied as she pick up her bag. "And thank you for today, I understand things better." She smiled.

Supra nod in response, "If you say so, be careful on the way home." He said as he waved her off.

"I will."

As she opened the door to exit Supra's room, she accidentally bumped into a tall figure, causing her to yelp in surprise.

She looks up and recognise it was Gentar. "Oh, hey!.. Sorry.." She apologised, smiling apologetically.

"It's alright." Gentar eyed her up and down, seeing her carrying her bag. "Going home?" He questioned to which she nod in response.

"Yeah, figured that my parents might be worried if I got home late. I'll see you aro—" "Let me walk you home." He cuts her off, catching her off-guard.

"Ah— No, it's alright. My home is not that far."

"Still, you'll never know if creeps will show up. So let me walk you home." He insisted.

Y/n give it some thoughts before agreeing, knowing that he won't take no as an answer. "Fine.."

"Good." He pat her head as he walked past her, "Come, we don't want to worry your parents now, do we?" He turned back when he reached the stairs, looking back at her.

"N-No!" She replied as she snapped out of her trance, following after him. He chuckled and continued to walk down the stairs as she followed him.

Hi guyss, I'm back! Next chapter will be up around next week/in 2 weeks

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Hi guyss, I'm back! Next chapter will be up around next week/in 2 weeks. This is short but have this special chap for now :3

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