2) Shiii-

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As they rushed her into the hospital room all she could think about was Tim. He had been ushered off by some nurse but Lucy could see his shadow outside of the door, guarding the room till he was free to come in. She wanted him now, but she wouldn't say the words. It was more as if she couldn't say, her words were stolen by shock as she tried to focus on the doctors and nurses.

It felt like hours but around 15 minutes later the room soothed, and she sat alone listening to the beeping of her heart rate. A young woman walked in, her scrubs pale blue covered her body and her curled red hair swished over her back as she moved. "Hi, Lucy?" She asked with a smile, continuing when Lucy replied with a nod. "We've run some tests and you're pregnant." She got straight to the point, just how Lucy was taught to break a death to someone when on the job. This wasn't a death though, just the unexpected. Lucy's glossed eyes flickered down at her stomach before focusing on the nurse. "I, um ,how?" A tear dropped down her face, she was scared. "It's called a cryptic pregnancy, and I assume you've been having some symptoms. Your bump is smaller probably just because of your build."

A light knock on the door broke the conversation and Tim walked in. His posture slightly tighter making himself small, his face turned from a concerned frown to a reassuring smile as he saw Lucy. "I'm sorry, they wouldn't let me in." He rushed to her side. They hadn't notice the nurse slip away to give them some privacy.

It wasn't surprising that his head was spinning with concern for her but Tim usually tried to keep himself in cop mode when in uniform. He had limits though, and this was miles past his breaking point. So instead of calling her Chen, he softly sat at her side whispering "Baby" in her ear to draw her attention back onto him. He studied her face, her expression was almost blank. The kind of face people pull when they are either going to laugh or cry, at this point he didn't know which to expect. Tim's hand rubbed against her back pulling the chair from the side closer to her bed with his foot. The sound it made was unsettling, a piercing squeak against the sparkling floor. "Sorry." He said under his breath, proceeding to sit down.

Lucy focused on the rough skin of her boyfriend's hand and the way he put more pressure where the tense spots were on her back. The soothing massage, gave her time to think. This was a good thing, unexpected but good. There were no bad outcomes to this, just a bad presentation. That's what she told herself at least. Her rosy lips opened ever so slightly, waiting a second before speaking. "I'm pregnant." She waited for an answer but didn't get one. His hand paused, still hovering over her lower back. "I know we didn't plan to, well, have a kid this soon but I guess plans kind of slipped away." The blue is his eyes deepened as he squinted. Lucy tried to remain calm but with no answer, her worries nervously spilled out. "I'm sorry, I should've known. The doctor tried to explain but my minds like flooded and I feel shit and god, I had no time to prepare. What am I gonna do?" The pain she felt rising stole her words. In a way she was grateful, she would've spoken for hours if something didn't stop her.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Were the only words Tim heard, it took him way too long to realise they were his own. Just an echo of thought. Finally, Lucy's pain pulled himself out of it and he gave her full attention. "Hey, breathe." He said softly, a reassuring smile forming on his face. Lucy took a couple deep breaths until the pain finally cleared. "I'm sorry." Tim's eyebrows tied close together. "For what, sweetheart. For what?" And though Lucy could've listed a million things in this moment, she knew they'd all receive rejections so instead she leaned into her boyfriend's arms. Her face perfectly aligned with her shoulder, her arms crossed over his. "We are gonna be parents" her voice was almost inaudible but Tim heard it, the hint of excitement that he also shared. "We are." And the smile had not left his face.

Hi! This was a part 2, and the final part <3 This story was more about their emotional relationship then the pregnancy itself but I hope you liked it. Also wow this weeks episode, it's so awkward between our favs. Love you all, as always feel free to send any requests!

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