The perfect day.

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The day was perfect, supposed to be perfect. It has been 5 hours since it became their wedding day. 5am, and they were up with their friends buzzing around the hotel they've almost filled. Each surrounded by their people.

"Tim Bradford, where the fuck are you?" Angela's voice stormed through the hotel room, completely eradicating the sound of the men's early morning complaints. "I'm on the loo, can you wait?" He yelled, laughing as he did his zipper. Once he'd reached the sink his best friend's shadow crept into the light. "Let me in!" She knocked, stressing the door as much as him. "Yeah." As she walked in, she smiled, a full smile reaching her eyes. "You nervous?" Instead of a verbal answer, his eyes shifted the way they always do when he was anxious, a little to the right. "Good, you should be. Lucy's not even dressed yet and she looks gorgeous." She said, chucking a towel at his dripping hands that still had soap bubbles around his thumb. "I don't doubt it." A sideways smile.

After the two shuffled back into the main room, Angela stood in front. Pulling Wesley beside her, she spoke. "Okay! First of all, there is food on the main breakfast table so go eat fast before the girls go out there! Second of all, once you leave the room don't come back in. It's go time, groom and groomsmen only." No one hesitated to listen, shuffling out the room.

It had been a hard decision on how to include Angela in the wedding, not because the pair didn't love her. In fact it was the opposite, they fought over if she would be Lucy's maid of honour or Tim's best 'woman'. Having friends other than cops wasn't easy, and out of all their officer family Angela had become the closest with them. However, eventually Tim won. "It's only fair, I've known her longest." Was the winning statement. Still she spread herself evenly between the two, making sure they were both having the perfect day. Not to mention keeping a close eye on Tim, who was a little too laid back compared to the bride.

By the time Angela has arrived back into Lucy's bedroom she was alone, the rest of the girls hurried off to find a larger bathroom to get ready. "Luce!" She called, everyone seemed to have adopted the nickname. Lucy's voice was warm when she spoke, you could tell she was smiling from between the wall that stood between the girls. "I'm just hopping out the shower!" Throwing on a robe as she rounded the corner. Gently, Angela planted a kiss on her forehead. "Let's get you ready!"

And so, it began.

Helloooo everyone!! I was going to wait until I finished the other part of 'he's here' but I've been writing it so long it felt cruel to leave you guys without any chenford!! So here ya go! Would anyone like a second part to this one?

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