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chapter four

dances and dumbfucks

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Dhruv's POV

The investiture ceremony was looming on the horizon, a mere week away, yet the preparations had barely kicked off. 

We had received the news just two hours prior that the responsibility of managing the event fell upon the shoulders of the Head Girl and Boy, along with the aid of a select few teachers and, if necessary, some other Council members. The weight of this task hung heavy in the air, and I found myself feeling uneasy about the lack of progress.

As I entered the classroom, I couldn't help but notice Anjali sitting at her desk, her bag neatly placed on the chair next to her, seemingly waiting for Tarini's arrival. Her posture was slumped, and she appeared engrossed in a Biology book, though it didn't resemble any textbook from our school's curriculum. With deliberate steps, I approached her desk, averting my gaze as I pulled out a chair and positioned it opposite hers, silently indicating my intention to join her.

Upon lifting my eyes, I could see that I'd caught her off guard, a mixture of surprise and confusion evident in her expression, clearly expecting Tarini to be the one joining her. I offered a small grin in response. She arched an eyebrow in silent inquiry, questioning my uninvited presence.

In the time I had spent being around her, it had become apparent that she wasn't one for idle chatter. So, I remained silent, choosing instead to unwrap the roll I had purchased from the canteen. Her throaty cough broke the silence, a subtle attempt to prompt a response from me.

Yet, I remained unfazed, steadfastly keeping my lips sealed as I continued to eat. I could practically feel her irritation radiating from across the desk, her glare growing sharper with each passing moment. But I paid it no mind, finding a strange sense of amusement in her vexation.

"Is there something you need?" she finally inquired, her tone laced with a forced politeness that hinted at her underlying annoyance. I met her gaze squarely, fully aware that she wasn't finished with her interrogation. She was trying to catch me off guard, a tactic I had grown accustomed to over time.

"Or are you so ill-mannered as to sit at anyone's desk and eat like Bakasur?"

Her words were laced with thinly veiled sarcasm, but I couldn't help but chuckle at the audacity of her remark. Swallowing my bite, I responded, "We need to discuss the flow of events for the ceremony, remember? Or has your memory failed you?"

With a roll of her eyes, she slammed her book shut, hastily shoving it into her bag before retrieving a notebook and tearing out a page. Snatching a pen from her pouch, she fixed me with a expectant stare, silently prompting me to continue.

I furrowed my brow in confusion, meeting her gaze with equal intensity. What was she waiting for now?

Before either of us could speak, a familiar voice rang out from behind us. I turned to see Tarini and Veer approaching, their grins wide and infectious. Veer waggled his eyebrows suggestively, and I couldn't help but grimace at his antics. "Are you two finally falling in love?" Tarini exclaimed, smirking as she walked over to the table.

With a shake of her head, she groaned, pointing accusingly at me. "I'd sooner die and come back as a miserable loner than fall in love. With him."

I shot her a wry smile, silently agreeing with her sentiment. As if she wasn't already a miserable loner.

The two of them joined us at the table, Veer taking his place beside me, while Tarini settled in next to her friend, keeping the bag somewhere on the ground. "Aren't you going to eat?" I asked her. She simply shook her head. "Hurry up with this, and leave," She grimaced, scribbling something on the top of the page.

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