Chapter Forty-Five - Raid Vaziri

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Present day

Outskirts of Albemarle, NC

As Raid swung Stef onto the bed and climbed on top of her, he thought he had already revealed to her all his secrets. He was in love with her---crazy in love with her---to the point that he didn't know what he had fucking done to deserve this moment he was having with her right now. He wanted her in every possible way, from fucking her senseless to holding her in his arms every night, and if that wasn't clear enough from how much he was repeating that over and over in her ear, his rock-solid cock and prowling hands were certainly doing the talking for him. She was all his favourites, from the taste of her mouth, to the sound of her gasps of pleasure, to the smell of the jasmine and orange blossom in her hair. He had longed for this for years... longed for her for years.

These were no longer secrets. She knew all of them now.

What she didn't know was there was a brand new secret---a secret that formed the moment she chained his heart to hers and started adding a new padlock with every touch---that this beautiful, magnificent, pain in his ass... this love of his screwed-up life... this woman he could no longer live without... she was going to be his wife someday. He was hers. She owned him body and soul, and one day she was going to own one hell of a huge diamond ring he was going to put on her finger.

She just didn't know it yet.

Just like she didn't know that he was going to blow his load if she didn't stop rubbing him through his pants.

He grabbed hold of Stef's wrists, pulling her arms up and over her head and pinning her down. "Slower, baby, I want to savour this," he said, his tongue still savouring the inside of her mouth.

Gasping as he released her bottom lip from between his teeth, Stef flooded his neck and jaw with desperate, urgent kisses. "Now who's the one who thinks this is going too fast?"

"I'm giving you what you need, not what you want," he breathed into her ear. "You think I didn't know that you were craving a quick, hard fuck the moment I woke to you drooling over me like I was a meal?"

"You are a meal," she teased, drawing out her fangs just enough to press into his shoulder tauntingly without drawing blood. Raid was right. Her craving was strong and her patience was slim. She arched her hips into his, deliberately goading him into fucking her. Right now. The harder the better. She wanted to take it like a punishment. The temptation of the hardness she felt pressing firmly between her legs was becoming too much to resist, the throbbing too hard to ignore.

She gasped, throwing her head back, as he grinded into her in response. His groan was heavier than her gasp. A smile tweaked her lips. She was wearing him down.

A warm feeling surrounded her wrists, still pressed into the bed by Raid's hands. It was cute how he was trying to overpower her.

"You're my meal now, and you're not coming until I've explored every inch of you," he told her. "I want to read your body as thoroughly as you read those dirty books."

"I'll read it to you. Chapter one... Fuck. Me. Right. Now."

Removing his hands from her wrists, he pinched her lightly either side of her chin, running his thumb along the lips of that smart-assed mouth of hers. "Oh, I think you're done telling me what to do, sweetheart," he smirked hungrily at her, "at least for the moment." He got to his knees, pulling his t-shirt off over his head and throwing it to the floor.

Stef caught her breath at the sight of his body, his abs now more prominent in the dimmer lighting of the bedroom. Playtime over. She was taking what she wanted.

Except her wrists wouldn't move.

She twisted her head to the side and upwards, but couldn't see anything pinning her down. "Raid..?" her voice warbled with nerves.

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