A fake star

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in the darkness of night, I find myself gazing up at the sky

Searching for a glimmer of hope, a sign that things will be alright

But as I look upon the sea of stars, I feel a sense of despair

For I know that the one I am wishing on is not really there

It's just a fake star, a flickering light in the distance

A mere imitation of the real thing, a cruel and twisted pretense

But still I close my eyes and make a wish, hoping against hope

That maybe, just maybe, this fake star will help me cope

I wish for happiness, for peace, for a love that's true

I wish for all the things that I know will never come to fruition

But still I wish, because sometimes that's all we can do

In a world that's cold and unforgiving, where dreams rarely come true

So I'll keep wishing on this fake star, as foolish as it may seem

Because in the darkness of night, it's the only hope I have ever seen

And maybe, just maybe, if I keep wishing long enough

My wishes will come true, and I'll finally find the love that's been tough

Until then, I'll keep looking up at the sky

Wishing on a fake star, with tears in my eyes

Hoping that someday, somehow, my wishes will come true

And I'll find the happiness that has always been overdue.

And in the end, i was just wishing,

Wishing on a fake star.

Poems of the Young oneWhere stories live. Discover now