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God, today was a long day.

You had just gotten off work, your tired eyes droop—just wanting the sweet release of falling asleep on your nice comfortable bed. You love the kids you really do, but grading takes so much of your afternoon time it almost makes it not worth it.

As you walk down the street you see a cute couple—one a woman and the other a mutant man— both giggling happily together, making silly faces, gentle touches, and kissing one another. You grimace and look away. How long has it been since you liked someone? You try not to think too hard on it, yet you still could feel the hole in your chest. But it would be nice to have someone to hold…

Ever since the krang incident happened five years ago, yokai and mutants alike emerged from the shadows. Not really having a choice, as New York needed all the help they could get cleaning up the Krang mess. While they had very limited rights (at least in the eyes of the law) there were plenty of those who didn’t mind having them around. For some they felt safer, you though… you felt the world wasn’t ready for them. They deserve better from the race they helped protect. Many yokai get killed in the dead of night, or hunted and murdered for rarities for the dark markets. Some just hated them for no reason besides the fact they weren’t entirely human.

Which you find incredibly idiotic and frankly disgusting.

You have seen with your own eyes how kind yokai and mutants can be, almost no different from a human other than autonomy.

The other day you had to defend your yokai co-worker from some Karen. Your co-worker Lilly was helping get the kids home and Karen came running over spewing about how her and her kid didn’t feel safe around “mutant and yokai trash”. You blew up in this old woman’s face like no tomorrow. You screamed how incompetent she was and how stupid she was. The only reason that—by some miracle— you didn’t curse in front of the children was because of how programmed in your head it was not curse in front of the kids.

You huff and walk up to your apartment door, you lift the rug and unlock the white door— until you hear what sounded like a wounded grunt. You freeze, and look from your right to your left. “Someone there?” You ask as sweet as you could muster after your long ass day. But instead of getting a response you only hear another grunt followed by a groan. Worried you make your way closer to the noise, hoping whoever it was didn’t want to take advantage of your kindness.

“Hello…?” You almost whisper when you find a ginormous mutant hiding in the alley way. You slowly approach him, attempting to assess him, trying to find if he’s hurt and if he was where. He growled under his shakey breath, trying to scare you off. You sigh and take a small rag out your pocket. “I’m here to help..” you mutter sweetly trying not to scare him. “I ain’t a pet or wounded animal to keep, so move along lady.” The gruff voice that grumbles throughout the mutant's chest has your head almost spinning. You could barely see him, from what you could tell he was big. He whines and his head leaned down a bit, allowing you to see his (extremely handsome) face. Small scars littered his face as well as a red bandanna wrapped around it.

“I’m sorry if I gave that impression, you're hurt and I don’t wanna leave you here. My house is literally the one you're leaning on.” You try to offer some perspective but you could tell you weren’t getting through to him. You sigh and flinch when you hear him groan in pain again. “Look, I don't think I could hurt you even if I tried or wanted to. So just give me the benefit of the doubt or you might die out here.” You decided I’d he didn’t want to go on nice terms…he would go on authorities terms. Pulling out your teacher's voice, it seems to get it through to him that if you wanted to hurt him—he could just squish you like a bug.

He relents but eventually agrees, making your way over to him you help him stand up. He has most of his weight in his right leg, barely using the other but more than he should be. You try your best to hold him up as best as you could, but to no avail. And he mostly carried himself up into your apartment. He whines when he finally gets and lays on your bed. You hush him and begin to work your magic.

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