It was the last day of August, one day before we boarded the Hogwarts Express.
Me, (Y/n granger),Mione, and Harry were visiting the Burrow over the summer. Just like every other freaking summer since Mione met Harry and Ron.

Ginny, and Fred and George were really the only tolerable ones here.

I barely saw Fred, though. Basically the entire summer, he was making out with Mione.

But, ever since Mione had a huge glow up,  she's 'met up' with Ron, Harry, Fred, Seamus, Blaise Zabini, and I think even Cedric Diggory, the Hufflepuff.

Yeah, Mione isn't innocent. Everyone thinks she is, though. She usually obliviates them.
She tells me this, usually late at night, telling me that one day I'll have a exciting, romantic life like hers.

We're only 11 months apart. We are in the same freaking year. But, she's part of the 'Golden Trio'.

I'm usually the shadow of Hermione's light of fame.

We really don't even look like sisters. She has brown, bushy hair, with perfect chocolate brown eyes. She has a slight tan from over the summer, which only adds to her beauty.

I have slightly wavy brownish blonde hair, and grayish brown eyes.

But Ginny, one of my best friends, looks like a literal goddess.
She has long, shiny, always perfect red hair, and these gorgeous caramel colored eyes.

I lose my train of thought, by Molly asking me a question.
"Are you packed dear?", she asked kindly.
"Er... no not yet, but I'll go do that now.", I respond. I usually like being organized. Key words: usually.

I pass Ron's room, where I hear Harry ranting about someone (probably Snape - Harry will never give up trying to find something about Snape that screams Death Eater), being a Death Eater, like every summer.

I go into the room Ginny, Mione, and I share. (Mione barely sleeps in here, though).
Ginny was probably practicing quidditch, and Mione was with Harry and Ron, so it was just me.

I pack my things quietly, then read a old romance book of my mum's.

Next thing I knew, I was asleep.

*ON PLATFORM 9 3/4 *

On the train, Ron and Hermione rush off to do their prefect thingy crap, and Harry was with Neville, and some other person.

So, Ginny, Luna, and I found a empty car, and the train started moving.

"Sooo....", said Ginny, "Do y'all like anyone on this train? Or do you know of anyone that likes you?".

"Neville has been writing me all summer, and he wrote me several poems. One was a love song that he wrote, called "Luna". I think he might like me.", said Luna serenely.

"Aww, you would be so cute together!", replied Ginny.

"What about you, Y/n?", asked Luna, suddenly interested in the conversation.

I tried to think back to the end of last year, and on the platform. "This one blonde bloke, he kept staring at me all the end of last year, and on the platform. I think he's one of the  so called Death Eaters on Harry's conspiracy theory list.", I said finally. It was the truth.

"You have to give us more details than that, Y/n. Can you even think of his name?", asked Ginny, exasperated.

"Umm.... it was something sort of stupid... like a constellation or something."

Ginny closed her eyes for a few minutes. I was about to nudge her, to make sure she didn't pass out or something, when she said,


Luna started laughing softly, and then she said, "Ginny's always shipped you and Draco."

"Shipped us? Honestly, Gin, I barely even knew his name!"

"Well, still.", said Ginny, shrugging her shoulders.

The conversation moved on, and eventually we made it to Hogwarts.

During the feast, I felt someone staring at me. I look behind me, towards the Slytherin table, and the constellation boy is staring at me. Looks like he's been made prefect.

Now that I think of it, he is kind of cute.

"It's not like I'm going to turn into Mione,", I told myself.

"He's just kind of cute."

For those who came from my other story, "Insuferable Know It All" (a Dramione story), I hope this story is better lol.
If you like this, pls go read StarshineSkyStar's story's. They are soo good!!!
I will probably be able to write a new chapter tomorrow, btw.
Don't forget to vote and follow!!! (ew I sound like a cheesy youtuber lol)
See you tomorrow!!!!

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