seven seven sevennnnnnn :D

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Sorry I'm just so excited lol. Btw this is going to be a long chapter.
  This chapter is dedicated to my friend, @StarshineSkyStar. ✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰✰
Draco seemed really excited, so I am really scared.
Since we are "dating", we had to get a car on the train together.

For the first few hours on the train, we mostly just joke around, like we usually do, until Draco seemed sort of serious.

He cleared his throat. "Y/n?", he asked, which got my attention. We usually didn't call each other by our names when we were alone.
"Draco?", I responded, then immediately cringed. Ewwww. Who says that??

He smiled softly, then continued. "Well, Y/n, we've spent 4 months and 14 days as really good friends, and 2 months and 3 days as a fake boyfriend and girlfriend. Well...... I was wondering...", he blushed and cleared his throat again, "If.....If you would want to be my real girlfriend. I have liked you for a really, really long time.... and.... yeah. Would you?"

I couldn't breathe for a few seconds. Is this real?

I nodded. "Yeah. I would like that. A lot.", I managed to whisper, blinking back tears. He kissed me again, but this time, it seemed more...... real.

His familiar green apple and leather scent washed over me, and he kissed me softly, but it seemed powerful. It was short, yet it lasted a lifetime.

After a while, I fell asleep, my head on his shoulder. I woke up, but I pretended to continue sleeping. He was stroking my hair, and humming a very familiar song. It sounded like Bella's Lullaby from Twilight.  I made a mental note to ask him if he was Team Edward or Jacob.

We arrived at Platform 9 and 3/4, and then we took a limo to Malfoy Manor. Draco seemed unfazed, but I was really impressed by the limo. But, it was NOTHING compared to Malfoy Manor. It was..... huge. You could tell it was very old, but in a impressive way. It was made out of bricks, and it had large windows everywhere. It was lightly snowing, which only added to it. It could have easily fit at the very least 20 of my parents house. It was completely different from where I grew up, but it felt like home.

"It's gorgeous.", I say to Draco.
"I mean, it's fine, but I'd much rather be at Hogwarts with you. Sorry, that sounded like that muggle Hallmark Cards.", he responded.
"A little bit, but it was nice.", I said.

The interior of the manor was unbelievably nice. Like, nicer than the nicest hotel. When you walk in through the huge oak doors, there was a large, round room. In the center, was a huge pine tree, decorated with candles, most likely charmed so they wouldn't burn the tree. When you looked closer, you could see that there were tiny little diamonds all over the tree. On the edges of the room, were two huge staircases that lead to god knows where.

"Come on.", said Draco casually, as if there weren't a huge tree that probably cost more than Hogwarts itself in the room.

He led me to a large guest room. The walls were a sort of silver - blackish color. There was a large bed, with emerald, satin sheets. There were ceiling to floor windows, which overlooked the impressive garden. On the other side of the room, there were huge  bookcases, filled with sketchy - yet intriguing - books.

"Okay, there are some things we have to go over.", Draco said, leaning against the door frame.
"Okay, what is it?", I say, while looking out one of the windows.
"I know Mother will absolutely love you, so be prepared for that.", he said.  I smiled. It would be nice to have someone like her actually like me. My mother wanted nothing to do with me.
"And Father.... well.... you should probably not show really any emotion.", he continued
"I can do that.", I said.
"Also, we have to act like we have been dating for a while.", he concluded.
"You act like this is so hard.", I responded.
"Oh, you'll see.", he said, smirking.

Narcissa Malfoy was what you would expect of a mother. I was not expecting that. She was unbelievably kind, and Lucius really didn't deserve her.
"Well, aren't you gorgeous.", she said, when she saw me. "Draco said you were, but he didn't mention how adorable you two are together.". I could feel Draco and I internally cringing.

Lucius Malfoy was something else. You could tell where Draco got his childhood trauma from.
"Who are you?", he demanded when he saw me.
"Y/n Granger.", I said emotionless, staring dead into his eyes.
"Where are you from?", he once again demanded.
"North London.", I respond coolly.
"How wealthy are you?", he asked. What the hell? Why would he need to know that?
"Upper middle class.", I respond truthfully. My parents were dentists, and they made pretty good money.
"She's suitable.", he said to no one, and walked away.

I could tell Narcissa and Draco were impressed. It was easy enough. I answered all the questions truthfully.

I had enjoyed Malfoy Manor, and I loved Draco. Everything was perfect.

Or so it seemed.

Hope you liked this chapter!
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