I keep noticing him everywhere. The beautiful color of his eyes, his dazzling smile.

Ugh, I haven't had a crush in forever. It's electrifying, and.....depressing at the same time.

"No! Y/n Granger, you do not a crush on some random star boy.", I told myself in my mind.

I keep going throughout my day, trying not to think about him.
Somehow, I managed to do exactly that. That is, until Transfiguration, my last class of the day.

Of course, it had to be Gryffindors and Slytherins. The only other class with Star Boy.

"Settle down class.", said Professor McGonagall. "I know you must be ecstatic to see you fellow Gryffindors and Slytherins, but we really must be getting on with the lesson.", she said, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

I guess we must have gotten louder or something, because she immediately said, "That is quite enough. You will be working with someone that is not in your house. They will be assigned.". She said it rather sharply, so I'm sure she was fed up with us.

She waved her wand, and in glittery, gold writing was the names of our partner.

Above my head, it read, "Draco Malfoy".

Star Boy.


Well, I was too sleep deprived from being educated all day to walk around 75 feet to his desk, so he walked to mine.

He walked so cu-
I'm not even going to finish that thought.

I will say, he wasn't like other boys that have liked me before. In my second year, Harry liked me. Yeah. Little 12 year old Harry Potter kissed me once, then we made a silent agreement to take whatever that was to the grave. He always acted.... clumsy whenever he liked a girl. God, it was way worse when he liked Cho Chang, but that is a story for another day.  Neville used to like me, but he was too scared to ask me out. He's gotten over it by now, though. Star Boy acted confident, bored even. You could tell he tried to act all emotionless, or like a adult, which is stupid, because he's like 15. You can tell he cares about things, though. You can tell it in his eyes. His beautiful, deep eyes........stop, stop stop.

Professor McGonagall addressed everyone again. "I hope you are happy with your peers, because these will be your seats for the rest of the year."

Almost everyone hated this arrangement, so no one was happy.

I certainly wasn't. I have to sit next to Star Boy the entire year.

Star Boy wasn't saying anything, and I physically cannot deal with sitting in silence.

"Sooo....Star Boy.... what are you like?", I asked, even though it was a stupid question.

"Star Boy? Is that what you call me?", he asked, clearly amused. "My name - Draco, obviously - is named after a constellation, not a star."

"Well, Constellation Boy is a bit of a mouthful. And by the way, I know Draco is a constellation. It's a dragon. I'm not stupid.". I say, cringing. Ugh, I sound like Hermione.

"Yeah, I suppose it is.", he said, laughing softly. "You sound sort of like Granger, but much..... much more relaxed.", he said finally.

"Yeah, I suppose I am. You sound like how Mione described you but much...... nicer.", I say truthfully. Mione, Harry and Ron made him sound like a devil. Well, he is a handsome devil. Oh my god, I am so freaking cringey. Please wait while I erase that from my memory.

That is how Star Boy and I made an alliance. Short conversation, but sometimes that's all you need.


Hope you liked this chapter!
Idk why, but I sorta prefer Star Boy than Draco. Maybe it's just me.
See you soon!!!

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