We had a few exams before Christmas, and I think I did very well, considering that Star Boy (well, I guess I should start calling him Draco, since he's my fake boyfriend.) studied with me every night.

We had two weeks, until everyone left Hogwarts for Christmas. Sta- Draco and I were the last ones in the library. I could tell he was worried about something.

"What's wrong?", I whispered.
"Oh, nothing, just thinking about something.", he whispered back.
"Your obviously worried about something.", I said.
"Well... you know how we're supposed to be dating? But we're really not?", he started.
"Oh, no. I have absolutely no memory at all of that. What could that mean?", I answer, sarcastically.

He ignored the sarcasm, and went on, rather quickly. "Well, most of the Slytherins know that your meeting my parents over Christmas, and they're huge gossips, so.......well...I..", his face turned rather pink, and naturally I felt nervous. "Well, I think it would be suspicious if we haven't kissed in front of everyone. Like, for real. That's usually how people judge it.", he finished quickly, burying his head in his hands, his ears pink.

I could feel myself blushing as well. I mean, I would kill to kiss him, but kissing him in front of everyone. Ugh. I could already picture Harry, Ron, and Mione's faces.

Draco seemed to pull himself together, and said, "Slytherin has a quidditch match against Ravenclaw tomorrow. They're more smart than athletic, so Slytherin will probably win. That's the ideal time to do it. A lot of people will be there.

H checked the time. "Oh shit. We had better get to our common rooms before it gets too late."

"In case someone's still here.", he whispered, and kissed me on my head.

It wasn't until I was lying in bed, did I realize that he knew no one was in the library.


Slytherin was ahead by 100 points, when Draco caught the snitch.
"Ok, don't panic. You and Draco spent like a hour planning this out this morning.", I told myself.

I found him, and ran towards him. He welcomed me into a hug with open arms, and spun me around. He tilted my face towards his, and kissed me.

He kissed me with so much more emotion than what I would have expected, considering we're not really dating. I kissed him back.

A couple hours later, during dinner, I noticed something odd.

Draco was staring at me how he used to, before we became friends.

Does this mean he likes me? I certainly like him.

Even if he doesn't, we could still be friends..... or could we? After the fake dating thing, we'll have to eventually fake break up.

I wish I could stay with him forever.

Aww, I love this chapter!!!
I won't be able to update tomorrow, but definitely Friday.
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Thank you!!

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