Star Boy and I continued to become better friends. Once, he, Blaise, Pansy, Luna, Ginny, and I hung out together. They seemed to get along, but it was really awkward.

So, we mostly hung out alone. It wasn't anything romantic, but it was nice to have a new friend.

One day, we decided to meet next to the Black Lake. We were leaning against the tree, talking about stupid things, as friends tend to do.

"So, how much you want to bet Potter and Granger get together by the end of..... let's say.... next year.", he said.
"No, I think Harry and Ginny will be together.", I respond.

He glances towards Harry, Ron, Hermione, and Ginny.

"Yeah, I think your right. I think Weasley and Granger would have a really toxic relationship, though. What about Longbottom and Lovegood?"
"Oh, that would be good."

He checked the time on his watch,and sighed.
"Well, I must be going, Little Granger.", he said, standing up.
"Well, I guess I'll see you in potions, Star Boy.", I said, also standing up.

"I guess you will.", he said, flashing a smile. He walked towards the castle, leaving me smiling, standing by the Black Lake.
Somehow, Ginny is all of a sudden standing next to me.

"Oh, you so like him.", she said in a hushed whisper.

After telling Ginny every single detail about my crush on Star Boy, it was already around 10 o clock. Well, I purposely got sidetracked a lot, to change the subject. Nevertheless, she was a very good audience. Her eyes widened at the right moments, she gasped at the right times, and she squealed at the end of almost every sentence.

After I finished, she was silent for a moment, then she said, "We need Luna for this one."

After dragging Luna from the Ravenclaw dorm rooms, (It took us 30 minutes to answer the riddle to get in), we took her to the Gryffindor common room, and told her everything.

"Well, I think he likes you.... and you obviously like him...", she began slowly. "Wait, he might just like you as a friend, now.", she said, her eyebrows furrowed.
"That would really suck.", added Ginny.

"I really don't know. I suppose you could ask him out, but he might just like you as a friend, and that would ruin all chances with him. Or, you could just keep him as a friend. But then, some other girl might take him.", said Luna, serenely as ever.

I sighed. "I'm just going to wait. If he likes me, he might ask me out.", I say firmly.

By the silent communication between Luna and Ginny, I could tell they didn't like this, but they would leave it be.

Star Boy and I were friends, but (so far, as Ginny says), but we were nothing else.

I should have known that he won't always like me. It's really stupid to think that he would ever really take me seriously. I was the little sidekick, to Mione, to Ginny, and now, to Star Boy.

I always knew this, deep in my heart. But, for some reason, it hurt when he started going out with Pansy Parkingson. After hurting for a day, there was just sadness.

Even with sadness, part of being a girl is even though you are dying on the inside, everyone expects you to smile, look happy, and be pretty. Every day.

Lights, cameras, bitch smile. Even when you want to die.

So that's what I do.

For some reason, I talk to Mione, hoping she would know what to do, or that she had experience with this kind of thing. Wasn't very good, though. She rolled her eyes, and said, "It's just a phase. You'll get over it. Just be happy.".

Gee, thanks Mione.

I was in the bathroom between classes, when Pansy walks in.
"So, Granger. Don't act like I don't know that you like Dray. I mean, it's obvious.", she said.
"Don't humor yourself, Pansy.", I say, the smoothest thing I've said in a while, actually.
"Well, get this into your little desperate mind: Back off my man. He likes me. We're perfect together. The two most powerful, beautiful, richest people in school. So move along, you little mudblood."
"Screw you, Pansy.", I spat. I turned around, and walked out of that bathroom with my head held high.

It was remarkable, really. I didn't even break down until I was in the dorms with Ginny.
I told her everything between sobs, and I don't think I've ever seen her angrier.
"That little bitch. I will go kill her, right now.", she said softly, and dangerously.

I thought she was joking, but she ran out of that room, furious.

I didn't see her until hours later, with her bottom lip bleeding, and a black eye. She was triumphant though.
"I broke her pretty little nose, and knocked out one of her front teeth.", she explained.

She was I'm fact, telling the truth. Pansy refused to go to any of her classes that day, because of it.

Even though I feel extremely guilty, I am on top of the world, at the moment. Star Boy figured out what Pansy said to me, and apparently broke up with her. I feel sorta lightheaded recently, but when I asked Ginny if I should be concerned, she just laughed, and said, "Honey, your happy again. When your heart is heavy, you feel weighed down. When it's light again, you feel like you could float.".

She was right, as always. I haven't felt this happy in a long, long time.

I met Star Boy by the Black Lake again. He immediately apologized for everything Pansy said. "Pansy's a total fake. She acts like she owns the world. Ginny wouldn't tell me exactly what she said, but she said it was terrible. If I had known that she would've said that..... I would have killed her, I swear, Little Granger.". He kept trying to apologize over, and over.
"Don't worry about it, Star Boy. Ginny made sure she got what she deserved.", I said, laughing. We moved on from the subject, and he seemed relieved.

Before he left, he did something he had never done before. He hugged me. I enjoyed it more than I probably should have. He smelled like green apple, and, leather, I think.

All in all, I absolutely love him.
I love this chapter sm!
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