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"you have to get up," evelyn stood above me trying to get me out of bed, all for what? them to drag me to this hospital? fuck no.

"get the hell out of my room evelyn." i groaned and she sighed, walking out.

i laid in bed, looking around my room for some time before getting up. i went to the bathroom and brushed my hair, and teeth.

i pulled a pair of sweatpants over my shorts and a grey hoodie over my head. i looked at myself in the mirror, unable to recognize who I have even become, this isn't me, i haven't been me in a while.

i grabbed my duffle bag, leaving my room and going downstairs. there were suitcases by the front door, i looked into the kitchen to see mom drinking her morning coffee and evelyn sitting at the island.

"hi baby," my mom slightly smiled, as if she wasn't sending me away in less than an hour.

"what are the suitcases for?" i asked bringing my attention back to the front door.

"your father is leaving, im sorry baby." she said and i shrugged, i couldn't care any less.

we all stood in the kitchen, i looked up at mom "mom, please don't make me go. i will try to get better, i just cant go back there." i pleaded and she thought for a while.

"you really need to try nova, like really need to." she said and i nodded.

"im going to."


billies pov

its only wednesday, nova never misses school so i have no clue where she is. i now sit with her in every class we have together, hell our pottery teacher even partnered us up but shes not here. we have a psychology project to do together though, its due at the end of the year. we have to put together a presentation and poster board of one another. i was kind of excited, i was finally going to be able to learn more about her.

shes avoided me since the last time she was over my house. why? i wish i knew, i wish i knew a lot of things. like why she freaked when i touched her thigh, or why she has scars all down her arms. yea i've noticed those, my heart broke the first time i saw them, i never understood how somebody like nova could hurt themselves like that. she was so perfect inside and out, i just wish i knew what was going on in that head of hers.

nova is the type of girl who would take home an injured bird, she is the kind of girl who goes and sits in the corner of a library just so its extra quiet while she reads her third book of the week.


when school was over i sat out in my car searching for any social media of novas, i found her instagram but it was private so i just followed it and waited to see if i would get one back.

maybe i should check on her? she has never missed a day of school, and now that i think of it evelyn and alysia weren't here either.

after minutes of debating in the school lot i decided to stop by her house, bring her the work she missed today and tell her about our project that i was way too excited about.

i got out of my car, walking up the huge driveway leading to her front door. her car was in the driveway so i assumed she had been home.

i placed a gentle few knocks on the door before evelyn answered.

"billie?" she was shocked to see me.

"hi," i chuckled. "is nova home?" i asked, sort of peeking my head to the side to see if i could see her.

"im sorry billie, but nova just wants some time to herself today," her voice kind of shrunk as she spoke."would you like me to tell her anything?"

"oh, if you could just tell her that we now sit together in all our classes and we have a psych project together. i can explain it more to her when shes ready to talk?" i smiled, only to cover up the severe worried look in my eyes. whats wrong with her?

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