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I entered Minho's apartment and closed the door he left open for me behind him. I first let go of Elli because she was screaming in my ear as soon as she saw Dori coming towards us. They immediately ran away together. I laughed quietly. Cats were so weird sometimes. I glanced into the kitchen and saw Minho preparing ramen. "That wasn't fast enough," he joked.

"Couldn't find Elli. She hid under the bed," I said. Minho just grinned. We quickly ate our food and settled on the couch. He turned on the TV, and I snuggled more into the blanket he gave me. We were sitting a few inches apart, but honestly, I already planned to slide towards him during the movie. "Let's watch something scary," he said. I looked at him. "I've never watched a scary movie in my life. And I'm not starting now," I answered.

He turned his head, shocked. "Okay, we're definitely watching a scary movie," he simply said. "But I get scared easily!" I whined. He laughed. "I'm right beside you," he said, putting on a movie that I didn't know. Doongie jumped onto my lap. I slung my arms around the cat, using him like a stuffed toy. Doongie just purred. He didn't know what would happen now. Minho looked at me and laughed.

"It's just a movie, Nuri. Relax," he said, leaning back and pulling a bit of the blanket on my legs over his own. I did well until Doongie decided to go. Because he jumped down just as the first jump scare kicked in. I jumped and pulled the blanket over my eyes. Minho's and my thighs were touching by now, but only because I was so scared that I needed some kind of physical touch, not because my plan went well. Minho laughed next to me.

"It's not funny!" I protested. He shook his head and continued watching the movie. The next jump scare was so bad that I almost automatically grabbed his hand, which was lying on top of the blanket. To my surprise, he did not pull away. Instead, he gently squeezed it. "You're shaking," he remarked, amused. "I'm cold," I lied. He laughed. "No, you're scared," he chuckled. I watched the TV. "How can you watch something like this without even flinching?" I mumbled. He laughed again and let go of my hand as soon as the scary part was over.

I was a bit disappointed because even when I was so scared that I almost peed my pants, I still liked the feeling of my hand in his. But then he slung his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into his side. I was surprised at first, but I decided not to say something and just snuggled a bit into his side, calming down a little bit. From now on, I hid my face in the crook of his neck every time something scary happened.

And honestly? It wasn't so bad anymore. Because I surely couldn't concentrate on that movie anymore. I was taken aback by his physical touch. How he smelled, how he gently stroked my shoulder every time I hid my face. How he pulled me even closer every now and then. I looked up to him as the movie ended. Our faces were just inches apart. I glanced at his lips and then to his eyes.

He was watching me closely. I really had the urge to kiss him, but to my regret, he turned away again. He grabbed the remote. "Wait!" I said before he could turn off the TV. He looked back down at me, but I stared towards the TV. I was scared that I would just smash my lips on his as soon as we were close like this again. "Can we watch something funny? I won't be able to sleep if we don't," I mumbled.

Honestly, I just didn't want this to end. Minho's whole body vibrated as he laughed. "Sure," he said, turning on a random comedy. Elli jumped onto his lap, and he started gently stroking her with his free hand, the other still slung around me. I closed my eyes just for a moment. Or so I thought because I didn't even realize that I was tired before. And I fell asleep quickly on his shoulder.


I woke up the next day in my own bed. I sat up and looked around, confused. Was this all a dream? Or did I just not remember how I got back down to my apartment? I swung my legs out of bed. That was when I saw a note on my nightstand.

Didn't want to wake you. I'm at work. Used the key from your pocket to open your door. Elli is upstairs with Soonie, Doongie, and Dori. Will be home this evening. Should we eat dinner together?

I smiled a little. Did he carry me downstairs? I grabbed my phone that he seemingly plugged in to charge as well.

Dinner at my place tonight

Looking forward to it

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